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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Willis is terminally ill, so it's unlikely. Duvall is older than God. But Ben Affleck is still around....
  2. LOL showed this to a friend of mine and he was like, wow we are so lucky, look at all that miserable snow around us!
  3. Every one of those storms was a miss for me except the last one, which dumped so much even my snow hole got 6-10. It was worth it, and it stuck around for a week or so.
  4. I'm retired with no work season thank god, and I still hate that kinda weather. Messes up the fishing. Not that there's much to fish for anymore; really miss the old winter flounder runs, which used to be from Boston to Barnegat ( Barnegat Bay was their southern extent, many believe it was due to cedar but who knows ) I caught one in LI Sound last year porgy fishing; the kids on board had never seen one. Still see them offshore on wrecks, which is not my kinda fishing. I'm a bay rat.
  5. Keep in mind people move South to get away from the snow. Southerners are not at all happy about getting snow. Once it is fun. Twice is interesting. After that they are looking at moving to the Equator.
  6. Our neighborhood drunk will do it for 25 bucks if you give him the snowblower. Although in Jan 2016 he demanded a little more.....
  7. We had a wintry look for awhile, the paltry snow pack lasted a week, we will have to be satisfied with it.
  8. What gives me solace is my friends and family are all just thrilled with the lack of snow.No one likes it, not even my kids who are 22 and 27 now. All are happy if it never snows again. Even the dogs hate it, expecting me to shovel them a path to do their business....
  9. A number of years back someone posted a WINS report from maybe 1975 where they were closing in on 8 inches in the city, and this was really big news....forget the met but he was one of the famous ones. I can attest that 8 inches was a big deal; in 1978 the big Feb storm was surreal; snow up to my waste, and I was already 5'10 ( I'd make it to almost 6 by senior year, and am now shrunk back to 5'9 ).
  10. More like 1-3 inches these days. This storm has been garbage for days now. Maybe we get an anomaly in March and pick up a 3-6 paste job or two, but for the most part, we can probably close the books on this whole winter.
  11. The Newark Star Ledger ( I have to mention this at least once a winter ) in 1991 ran a feature on "whatever happened to winter?" Winter started to return in March 92 and went gangbusters in 93 and 94, dialed back to one big storm in 95, and then 96, the gold standard....and nothing again until the New Years storm of 2000-01, and the headlines proclaimed it the biggest snow in 5 years, and it was, about 14 inches.....
  12. SI and NE NJ had smaller amounts too. These types of storms, the bands shift east around Monmouth Co or so, leaving us with lighter precip. Last Feb we finally jackpotted for a change and had nearly a foot IIRC.
  13. Too many years of steroid use would be my guess, though he always claimed he was all natural....but so did Lance Armstrong and most of the former GDR swimming teams......
  14. It was all anyone had.....the only other thing I remember was Weathermatrix, who also worked for Accu....they started a forum in 2007, but the region was far too expansive, though Anthony's presence was obvious even there....
  15. It's worse because he sells himself as a professional with a degree, so he must know the secret sauce.
  16. The bread and butter of lawyers, pain doctors and chiropractors....
  17. My area actually underperformed every. freakin. storm. Still, 6-10 inches for 3 of them was still better than this mess; we missed a couple in Jan and a big one in Feb, and the Dec one also underperformed for my area, but a foot or so is still pretty good.
  18. It's a surprise because the models were saying things were looking like the pieces were in place, and it is also our snowiest month. In the end reality asserted itself and said it doesn't care what we foresee, this is how it is. At least for now.
  19. The scary thing is this is where most people get their news info these days. A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth gets its pants on.....otherwise normal people I talk to come out with the most absurd stuff. I didn't even go to the supermarket today. I know already what it will look like. Plus if I hear one more idiot griping about the price of eggs I'm going start throwing them at people.
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