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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Well, I might suggest painting your windows black and cranking up the AC, or taking a trip to someplace like Bariloche in Argentina where it's winter....
  2. I got out and enjoyed the inch I had while it was falling. Figured that might be it, you never know. Thought I saw some optimism in here yesterday but now it seems like people are dialing that back?
  3. As a retired therapist I can tell you I never once had a client complain about lack of snow, but I had plenty get depressed over winter, snow or not. Most people just hate it. Way it is.
  4. Oh there used to be some really nasty people here. I remember one famous poster who was an oil futures trader who told another poster he could be his foot stool for 250k....he didn't realize how that would be a huge salary to a lot of us and I immediately offered to interview for that job LOL. TBH it was a lot more fun for a guy like me who isn't quite so into the science, but I don't miss it either. Who wants to wander onto a weather site and be attacked? Can get that in real life every day....and as a social worker I pretty much did. Happily retired.
  5. We still got our 3-5 quick shots in those days, and it would stick around.
  6. Bring it. I've got 3 machines that haven't seen a flake in 2 years. And a road grew stationed at the local mall dying for some overtime....
  7. Here's an observation; cloudy in Woodbridge NJ with an army of plows lined up at the local mall. Lots of salt everywhere. No precip yet. Steel gray out. Throw a log on the fireplace; even if it's all rain, it's gonna be cold. Good day for homemade chicken soup.
  8. Lack of sun matters so much for how it feels out; just came in from tossing the ball to the dogs and it has that "snowy" feel to it outside. Fingers are numb. Temp is 42 but it feels a lot colder. Would be nice to swing something out of this, nothing worse than cold rain. But not confident; winter has too much of a 90s feel to it. Totally unscientific, of course.
  9. Dec 92, but that was a monster and also, it was only white rain at the switch. Flooding was the story there, along with me being stuck with a classroom full of 7th graders with no power because the school district, unlike all the others in the state, decided it was safer to keep them there all day....
  10. I don't think we are used to snow up here; two years without much in an area that sees a lot of flux in population is a guarantee that when snow hits, there will be a lot of folks taken by surprise. The upside is we probably won't have to worry about that from the city on south, not this weekend and likely not the rest of the winter, though that would be optimistic ( in the eyes of normal people at least ).
  11. It's not even snowing much elsewhere in the region. My BIL had 9 inches a couple weeks ago in ME but the last big rains storm washed it all away. He hates snow though so is happy about that. I'm learning that life without snow is not so bad....though it is obviously abnormal around here, we have been hearing for decades we would be losing frequent snowstorms one of these days in these parts. After 2 years ( the 2022 storms were not much for me ) of hardly anything, I'm just not that worried about it. What does worry me is that I was tossing the ball to the dogs yesterday and a fly landed on my head....it's January. You can't convince me that is ok.....give it two weeks and if we are in the same damp pattern, I'd give up.
  12. I'd rather not see anything than a snow to slush event. But whatever happens, happens. Safe bet is probably nothing significant. We'll see. Two years of boredom here....
  13. Many people still didn't own snowblowers. You really did not need one; storms were that infrequent. After 94, I held out because 95 was mostly a return to normal ( little snow ) but when I saw a big snow in Dec 95 ( knowing by then that such an event COULD be a warning of more to come ) I went out and bought a small blower, a Murray that could do up to about 12 inches, which I figured would be plenty. And then the 96 blizzard came that Jan....and it bent the handle on that machine. After that winter I wouldn't need it again until Dec 2000. That one broke the handle. I would need snowblowers most winters until recent years. Last year I sold one off, gave one away, and looked to sell my big Yard Machine this year, but had no takers. I feel the electric Toro and the smaller Craftsman will be enough, if needed at all. I'm retired now, so anything bigger, it will have to wait until I call someone to get cleaned up.
  14. I think we have an excellent shot at it.
  15. I don't even remember that much....usually a little snow then rainy slush.
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