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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Well I'm no big fan of pesticides, but we would have some massive crop failures without them. But you don't have to use chemical pesticides; there are alternatives. Have been for years. Could they be used on an industrial scale? My daughter, who is an entomologist, says it depends. Cockroaches were ubiquitous in NYC until Combat came out. They never developed resistance to it. So what are they doing now? Developing an aversion to sweet tastes....roaches are coming back.....
  2. In the "great" March of 2018. my area only had one storm that delivered the goods; one was white rain, the next barely cracked 3 inches of slush, and the las tone finally, after like a whole day of waiting, delivered around 8 inches. March might have snows, but they are always a swan song....
  3. The thing about science is that it is true whether you "subscribe" to it or not.
  4. Well, this weather has been tiresome, so you're gonna see that.....as I sit here on yet another steel gray, dreary day. Must be good for vampires.....
  5. Jan 87? Seemed like at least 10, but that was CNJ. But yeah, 6-8 inches was a big storm. 78 was like 17 inches and it seemed like the apocalypse. I was 15 and the snow was up to my waste. That was the only snow days I would see throughout HS.
  6. Pretty hard to get excited after two years of this, and if you live by me, really 3 years because 2022 was only marginally better.
  7. I'd take a bet they will be wrong. Maybe it gets a little seasonable. Don't gas up the snowblowers just yet.
  8. One of the great character actors of our time, Stephen Tobolowsky was a talented baseball player who suffered a serious illness as a child ending his hopes. He also played in a band when young with Stevie Ray Vaughn. A true genius, you have seen him in Memento and Groundhog Day and many others. he has also collaborated with David Byrne. He is an author and director as well.
  9. I remember it. Heavy wet snow. A few inches. Didn't last long. But it was snow. Think it was a Saturday?
  10. I just remember 2007 La Nina being one deluge after another and maybe two sleet events in Feb. Sucked. It has sucked for a couple years now, though. Hope we can at least get a sleetfest going one more time before spring.
  11. I'm a poodle guy myself. Don't laugh; they are the smartest dogs out there and you will forget you are dealing with a dog, that's how uncanny they are. "Poodle" means puddle in German; they were bred to retrieve birds from water, hence the funky haircuts. Neighbor had two magnificent long hair German Shephards, they were always getting out and drinking from my koi ( well now just goldfish; got tired of feeding the herons expensive fish ) pond. They'd knock you down and lick you to death.
  12. I'm no scientist but my experience of 61 years is that if you have not had a good event by mid-Feb, you ain't gonna get one. Actually, mid-Dec really....there are notable exceptions and that is what we can hope for. If not, I break out the fishing gear.
  13. People will think its just great. Trust me. I'd say they'd break out the shorts, but if you have noticed, many young men wear shorts all year now. There was this whole article on it, with teachers saying they all know a couple of these kids....accompanied by a picture of a young man shoveling snow, in shorts.....later that day my daughter's boyfriend showed up...in shorts. This is recently. I have an entire arsenal of boots, lined pants, socks, waterproof and insulated shoes etc. Despite all that and slathering a bottle of moisturizer twice a day on my skin, I go to bed itching all winter. So some warmth will help my suffering I guess.
  14. So do we challenge for 80 in Feb? What the hell ever happened to winter....
  15. And then the 2006 Feb KU and really, we did not see much for a few years after. 2007 was lean, a couple events in 08 and 09, so it is not unusual, even in a snowy decade, to see lean years. Maybe not as lean as 2020, 23, and so far 24...but lean.
  16. Lyme damages the brain and cases often go undiagnosed. It can cause dementia; Kris Kristofferson was diagnosed with dementia and it turned out to be Lyme after a long investigation; not sure how reversible that is, especially in the elderly. Some of the sunscreens cause issues as well, but melanoma is worse. Risk benefit....if you can avoid the ticks great, but that is getting hard to do. My dogs bring them in and I get them in the park right in the concrete jungle. I mean the microfibers in our clothes are also suspect, especially anything water repellent. It's pretty hard to avoid toxins, many of us have PFAS in our drinking water. You can use bottled but who knows what's in it right? And I'm not even going to get into air particulates and microplastics....
  17. Extensive studies have shown little benefit to organic foods, and a lot of them really aren't organic. I learned this in fisheries; a lot of the stuff for sale in markets is not what the label says it is. Recently I have seen porgies labeled Dorado, farm raised hybrid bass labeled wild striped bass ( illegal in NJ ) and tilapia labeled as flounder. And one reason you'll see " wild caught" is because that just means it was caught in a net; it could be a farmed salmon that's escaped. No one knows unless they break out a DNA test. So just eat what looks good in moderation and don't worry about it. Avoid smoking ( everything including pot, which is not, as some believe, some miracle health elixir; clear studies show long term cognitive decline with use ) and alcohol. But if you want to smoke and drink, have at it. Whatever gets you through the day. within reason, is my philosophy. We're all headed to the same conclusion.
  18. I've been bitten by lone star ticks a few times. Always on look out for meat allergy to develop. I carry an epi pen. I've also read to look at acorns; mice make nests of the shells; if there are a lot of acorns, this is bad for us. Deer are facing chronic wasting problems and they may be decreasing, ( and already are ) in parts of the country. You can buy treated clothes, not sure how long it lasts, but the permethrin wash that you can add really smells. I've sent the ticks out a few times and docs are happy to take a copay, but they say that only covers the tick you know about. So its probably better to get bloodwork if you can; because I have risk factors I am put on doxycycline whenever I get bitten.
  19. It also hit close to 80 a couple days.
  20. Despite living nearby for 61 years, I have never been to that pond. Was reading the book Kings of Their Own Ocean, about the captain, Al Anderson, who tagged 62,000 bluefin tuna and changed the science by doing so. He was an author and trained fisheries guy, but he learned to fish as a kid at....Roosevelt Pond. Like Capt Dave Cararro ( of Middletown ) of Wicked Tuna fame, he made his reputation in New England. But you can't take Jersey out of the Jersey guy....I knew both of them briefly.
  21. Only one heavy band here but it snowed steadily. Looks to be about 2-2.5. Enough that the dogs were unhappy with it covering their toes.
  22. See my previous post. This isn't new. Whitman declared a state of emergency for a week because it was COLD. I mean, it really was cold, but ya know, we have heat in the modern world....and we did in 1994.
  23. I do remember Bloomberg shutting down in March 2003 or 4 for a storm that never accumulated much. We'd had a run of big storms by then. You're right, the monster storms we saw in the 2000's were on another level. I believe they were an anomaly connected to climate change, and that we may have reached a tipping point where normal snows become more and more rare. But I'm not a scientist. I've just read this may happen at some point. No one can say when.
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