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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. on 2/6/10 many were still saying parts of the area would get 6-12, so the cutoff, which seemed to follow the NJTPK north, was more painful as we really only managed about 2-3 in my area, though someone in SI has always claimed they got 6, which is hard to believe, unless the very southern tip, which is minutes from me, managed to get a 6 inch drift...it looked like a Lilliputian blizzard outside my door, with 4 inch drifts from around 2-3 inches that fell. As one drove south on the turnpike, you could see the amounts going up, till I got to Cherry Hill and there was 2 feet. My area never got a direct hit that whole winter, though we had some good 10-12 events.
  2. Weather is something to be experienced, in my view. A storm happening elsewhere is only of academic interest to people who study that sort of thing. If it snows in Toms River but not up here I only care if I have to drive there. If I want to watch snow on TV I can turn on the weather channel ,it's sure to be snowing somewhere....but that's just my own personal bias.
  3. Wasn't much here in this part of NJ; west of Newark the bands hit a brick wall.
  4. FWIW my wife was in Hamilton and it was snow covered.
  5. The MSM has become useless. That should be plainly evident by now. I get better weather info here.
  6. Surprised there were 5...I'd guess 82, 83, and 87. Here in CNJ I can't think of any other 80s winters with any significant events. 89 in S Jersey maybe. Don't remember 80 too well, but never had a snow day in HS ( only in 1978, none of the other years, graduated in 81 ). Taught starting in 89 and had no snow days until 1993, the March storm. After that we had epic 94, 96, and then zilch again until the aughts. So it was much snowier the last two decades than I remember as a kid. Jim McGreevy, in his bio, writes about his struggles as mayor of Woodbridge with all the snow in 94, more than he ever remembered as a child. That is accurate, and that winter hit everyone with their pants down; snow shovels with rotten wooden handles and rusty blades were dug up from under junk in garages, snowblowers were brought out of mothballs ( and didn't work ) as they were not usable in the previous 93 storm ice, and you could not buy salt, even table salt, sand or kitty litter, as Home Depot had not swallowed the market yet. Good times.
  7. I can top that, try being a US Men's team soccer fan. Thrilled just to not lose by multiple goals.....
  8. As long as I can remember, and I'm 62, getting a decent snow in Dec ( I will consider 2-3 decent ) usually signals at least a couple more events for the winter; being La Nina the window is probably short, though....
  9. They actually had to break out the plows at Menlo this morning; it was nice walking conditions. Got some good pics. Could smell the simmering bacon coming from the IHOP.
  10. I actually don't remember the 2002 storm, guess I'm getting old. My daughter was 2 months old; 2003 I remember because they would not let us go home early from work even though the teachers and kids were leaving. I remember the supervisor chasing people to the parking lot. God, I'm so glad to be retired.
  11. And some of us have lost weeks in the fishing world to this awful easterly flow. And fall's blustery winds are sure to follow. A good chunk of the season is lost. Charter and party boat losses will not be recovered this year. The government has closed some of the major fisheries for the summer, and once again, the fall will be a waste because these storms cause the fish to migrate offshore. My garden is always a wreck by now and we are tired of tomatoes, which are rotting on the vines, peppers and eggplants rotting on the vines, and don't wanna see a zucchini again til next summer ( I stopped watering them months ago in pots, and they are STILL producing ). I don't mind the rain, really, but this easterly flow is like nothing I've ever seen. This is downright depressing.
  12. Yeah I was talking to my neighbor and he was in his car and the bugs were attacking him inside the car.
  13. Yeah, a lot of damage to my garden. These are the kinds of winds I only see after a tropical storm has passed through. It has that kind of feel. Was not expecting this and it's early in the season so a number of plants weren't strong enough to tolerate it.
  14. it can't end soon enough. My grass is done, and my arm weary from watering the garden five times a day.
  15. Yeah, spent 12 hours on the water yesterday with not one keeper fish of any species. What the hell is wrong with our fisheries....all the bass are too big to keep, all the sea bass too small, all the fluke too small, and there are no porgies anywhere but the Sound, which I guess we are going to have to make run to; long way from Sayreville ramp......but no longer than running all the way to the donut, the Rocks, the Mud buoy, the Farms.....and at least the Sound is sheltered. Never been up through that way, gotta run the East river through Hell gate and on past City Island. Great weather though, except that SW wind kicked our asses offshore yesterday. Came into Raritan Bay, it was gorgeous, bunker splashing all over, threw out some stretch plugs and nada. oh, and NJ will close porgy fishing this summer. Won't matter, there aren't any around.
  16. Lost a couple leaf lettuce plants, a cauliflower and basil last night. Wasn't ready. Lettuce, despite being a cooler weather crop, is mostly water, so if it's cold, forget it. Supposed to water them the day before a frost, wasn't expecting ice on the windows today. I mean, it's freakin late April.
  17. We had a few events. Maybe next year things will turn around. Other than the freakish warmth, this was pretty much an 80s type winter. Time to plan the garden, change the fishing lines, sharpen the hooks.
  18. was 93 an El Nino? we had some piddly events then a bigger one in Feb, followed by the superstorm in Mid March.
  19. I was the only maniac at the mall today...me and the janitors. But couldn't start up the snow blower at 6 am. Let the neighbors sleep, plus it is illegal.....got some nice pictures around Menlo. Plows having an easier time with this storm. They actually struggled with the ice a few weeks back, they closed the upper decks for a week til it melted. Going to fire up the big blower today.....10-11 inches ....
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