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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Cincinnati with near 30, and I question that 20 inc average, it's just not real snowy there. I don't see my mom's hometown of Evansville, IN listed, wonder if they had more as well; there were times in the past when these cities were indeed buried, but it is far from the norm.
  2. It was the ice on top; that was very rare, several inches of ice and so snow removal operations were stymied; I had to use a garden spade to dig out; people dug tunnels, in effect, in the urban areas to get their cars in and out, and it. stayed frozen for days. In Kocin's book, he has a phot of people trying to scale a wall of ice in Manhattan.
  3. If you like torrential rains and flooding sure, but I can get that with a summer storm. It had some flurries here at the tail end. There was also the Perfect Storm of Oct 1991, notable for the book and movie...but that was a, well, what was it really?
  4. April 82 was a legit big storm and cold; the others ( 96 didn't even flurry over here ) were all minor events but cool to look at.
  5. I think locally we will see a 93 type event here with less than a foot and mixing, but not one that is coastal and delivers 2 feet to Knoxville as well. April 92? Seen April events a few times, none like that one since; it just doesn't get that cold in April anymore. I'd pick OCt as the one we won't likely see again.
  6. We had a couple decent events and one very good one in Feb, followed by an incredibly warm day the next day. Still remember the music teacher being amazed at how nice it was outside.....he has sadly left us to play in the band upstairs....
  7. Might as well embrace it.
  8. Name one that has happened since 1993, and even that one fell short of a foot. And that wasn't really that bad a winter, compared to this one. It's over. Who cares about a car topper or white rain? My hands are cracked, my skin is ashy, I'm done. Let's get a brief shot of spring weather before the cruddy unsafe lung conditions set in for summer. And that's probably asking too much.
  9. Was another disappointment here, around 5 inches; just a few miles north or south was better.
  10. Go down to a local mall; despite the low snow amounts, the cold kept the piles around; there are mountains of black stained ice that should last a few more weeks.
  11. You are falling into the trap of trying to present the facts,and assuming it will have an effect; it will not work.
  12. i think I've been around since before you got married and Anthony was still in middle school.....and I still don't know WTF you guys are talking about most of the time, but it is fun to read. But a third one? Jeebus, two was enough to kill us. Still waiting for the younger one to move out. Oldest leaving March 1st.
  13. Wonder what the effects on asthma are; we know that the drying Salton Sea and Aral Sea had profound effects on lung health.
  14. We sold the family house in Hollywood in 2005 and never looked back. Nothing could make us return.
  15. I highly recommend the documentary The Fish Thief, which delves into the history of the Great Lakes and its once impressive commercial fisheries; narrated by Oscar winner JK Simmons and featuring the best scholars of the era, as one of them points out, you cannot look at one of them and think it's just a lake.
  16. It was if you were walking to the bus stop in leather dress shoes and thin socks because you had to wear a stupid uniform with thin polyester pants.....but at least we had snorkel jackets.
  17. We had a storm in Feb 93 like that; pretty decent snow and temps soared the next day; we did not have the day off because it was an inner city school and at that time, they just didn't have snow days. They would, a few weeks later, when the ice encrusted super sleet storm dumped 11 inches of concrete on us. Closed for 3 days.....
  18. I remember 4/8/03; they let us out early from my school job; it came down quick and the lillies were blooming already. Somewhere I have pictures of my son, now 27, and my bundled up baby girl, now 22. I believe those were the happiest days of my life. At 62, everything hurts already, the kids are adults and can be surly, the wife is also in pain most of the time....enjoy your younger years. What's good about being older? I get up when I want and don't have someone looking over my shoulder anymore
  19. My experience is that April snows usually follow blockbuster winters, a sort of gusty FU and middle finger by mother nature; you thought you were done? Wrong, here's another!
  20. We have not had enough. " With below average precipitation conditions remaining the dominant weather pattern statewide, NJ remains in drought warning." Source: NJ DEP, Feb. 19, 2025 update.
  21. I don't think we're going to see anymore this year. But I'll admit it's been nice to see some snow coverage; this morning the cold was brutal; if you look at a mall parking lot you'd think we'd just had an epic winter with all the high piles; it's just been so cold they haven't melted. I'm not a fan of this cold, and really would prefer 50 degrees and rain to this. This kind of cold is painful, quite literally.
  22. Peter Stormare, one of the great character actors of our time. Go check out Fargo if you don't believe me. And Buscemi too, who was a NY firefighter IIRC.
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