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About weatherpruf

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  1. Wonder if all the salt dust affects people's breathing or asthma/COPD.
  2. We have realistically about a month and change. There's time, but not a lot. Never is.
  3. The cracked fingers are making my wife miserable; I've been using corticosteroids on mine, with some success.
  4. The weather sucks and its like living in Mongolia I guess. My skin is dry as hell and bleeding. I am more than ready for a milder pattern. It's obvious we're not getting the snow; any time I've seen the South get a lot of snow, it's usually meant not much for us. Anything can happen I guess, but I am fed up with this cold pattern. A dirty warm up and rain is preferable to this. Left a case of water in the car that I forgot about, it's frozen solid. Not even Anthony has much to track.
  5. I remember Forky writing: this is a storm for the ages. I went out and bought gas for the snowblower. It was very warm that Dec and after that I think we had one piddly event. Saw nothing decent in my area until late March 2018; was fringed in the bomb cyclone, the 2017 March storm, and the two Early March 2018 storms.
  6. The vast majority of people hate it. I’ve been hearing nothing but complaints over the recent snow.
  7. I do remember that lightning; I was standing in the garage at my parents home when it happened. I was 19. It was the last year I had a full head of hair. And in all this time, there is still no treatment that can restore one's hair, no matter what anyone tells you. That's a PSA for any of you who might get sucked in by plugs, rugs, or drugs....
  8. We're gonna have to nickel and dime it this year I'm afraid; but one good storm ( IMO 8 in or above ) can help a lot. While Metuchen measured 3.75 nearby me, I only saw about 2 on the grass and driveway; the cartops had around 3. Odd, I guess the warmer ground ate up a lot of early snow.
  9. I’m eye balling around 3 if that. I’m not impressed in my backyard. Lost a lot to late start and, of course, a period of subsidence. Freehold beat me again. And it’s south of us. Well it’s something but I hope we have some better shots.
  10. I've got three poodle pups that I'm holding for future owners, but I won't let them out because poodle fur is like velcro for snow. I'm tellin you, i could sell these boys for a mint.They are criminally cute.
  11. I'm. old enough to remember those guys. Considered one of the worst of the early 80s. I kinda liked that song though. And yes, i had hair like that back then. Me and my local contemporary Bon Jovi. He still has his hair though. And I never played an instrument.
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