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Everything posted by FXW176

  1. Check out S’well. As today is national hydration day, I can highly recommend. Great products and good company.
  2. Lil’ guy or girl emerging on my porch tonight. Absolutely fascinating. I too am gonna miss ‘em. My windows are down until then. And thank you all, what a fun thread.
  3. Yelling at them to get off your lawn won’t help. Even at your advanced age.
  4. Nice! I’m deliberately putting off yard work until I can gauge the emergence at my crib. Or so I’m telling my wife... (And per a few pages back, firebugs were late last year in my neck of the woods as well. Not a long season either. Butterflies too. )
  5. Finally saw my first ‘cada Fri. At work (Vienna, VA). Brought tears to my eyes.
  6. Ty! No Greek alphabet once I run out of names. Too confusing. Think I got it covered...
  7. Haven’t heard any singing yet, but just found my first shell. His name is Andy.
  8. Wouldn’t want to offend anyone with such foul language. Being good. At least until the puck drops later this eve. Eta: It’s sunny and breezy. Forgot this was the obs thread.
  9. So want to post a Pulp Fiction clip because I have no idea what your last sentence means...
  10. Patience, y'all. They will be here soon.
  11. Your imbedded microchip says otherwise.
  12. Delayed but not denied, imo. Raised and released a couple hundred butterflies the past few years. These critters know better than us.
  13. Yep, the amuse-bouche have started to hit the table. Plat principal upcoming.
  14. @mappy @BlizzardNole Thanks for the info on the hummingbird feeders! Didn’t think about color, ant moats, gaskets, etc. All very helpful, very much appreciated! Amazon kindly delivered a package today. Hope to have a pic of the contents soon.
  15. @mappy @WxUSAF @BlizzardNole @toolsheds Can any of y’all (and others I may have missed) kindly recommend a good hummingbird feeder? And your nectar ratio? Wanna try to add more pretty flying things around mi casa. Thanks!
  16. Heard something similar to the ‘cadas last week while mowing the lawn. And then found this. (IPAs were def involved here too...)
  17. Wait ‘till I start (hopefully) posting butterfly pics in the garden thread. Not happy with last year, like most of us. Game. On.
  18. And now my Dad (born in 1949) is playing the game. Got his new plates today after ‘threatening’ to steal mine. This wx and all things related hobby is silly. Think we all have a defective gene...
  19. The leaderboard cracks me up. So gonna play. My asshole dog will live twice as long. Hopefully. Fascinating for sure. Lucky to see this a third time imo.
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