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  • Birthday 09/06/1982

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Cambridge, MA

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  1. I would be too. When it's 1-2 inches and almost all the schools closed based of these models from 12 hours ago. I know the meteorologists are probably watching the radar now hoping that everything comes together for this storm to trend north 20-30 miles. They can't really rely on models too much from this point forward.
  2. Yeh, I understand how you feel. I have been in this forum for about 13 years. I barely write. Once every few years. This storm pissed me off so bad I had to sign in just to express myself.
  3. Notice how he split Boston in half so just in case there is a last minute tick north he is covered lol.
  4. That's pretty much half of what Boston has had all year. I think it's been around 7 inches lol. Each year its worse and worse.
  5. What is that about 30-50 mile shift south? Personally, I wanted to work from home. That's not happening now.
  6. Yeh the model can show it will crush NYC. But they will be lucky to get 1-3 inches. Its to damn warm. What are they going to have but 5 hours of steady snow fall?
  7. With Boston Schools closed and surrounding school systems closing around them. A lot of parents are going to be pissed. And to be honest I have no idea whether to trust these European Models. Let's be frank its too damn warm to produce that much snow. My bet is everyone in New England loses out at this rate. I don't think I have seen a model change so much 12 hours before a storm.
  8. This has been the worst year for snow in and around the Boston Metro since I believe 2012. If it wasn't for this storm I would have included most of the state.
  9. Yeh, nothing big is going to happen over here. Maybe an inch when all is said and done. Which would be a perfect ending to this winter.
  10. No way that 24-30 verifies in and around Boston. It just doesnt look like it so far.
  11. It feels like they all called each other up said screw the models trends. Seems more like Wishcasting but I know it's not they must know something with all their combined years doing this. I feel they are doing this for public safety reasons just incase.
  12. Honestly, this guy is very knowledgeable when it comes to breaking down forecasts and models. I follow him on twitter. He puts out great videos and breakdowns on weather systems. BUT with that being said he took a leap of faith with those numbers. At least he is going to adjust them.
  13. Woke up and no snow on the roads in Cambridge. I am guessing everyone's accumulations maps were way off or this thing slowed the heck down overnight?
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