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Everything posted by PrinceFrederickWx

  1. My only picture of totality. This shot was overexposed and too bright in my iPhone, but it cleaned up decent after being darkened in my editor at home. It's nowhere near as good as most of the pics you all took, but it was all I had to work with given a malfunctioning iPhone and only 2.5 minutes. Nothing at all compares to seeing it with the naked eye though.
  2. There’s also The Great American (partial) Eclipse on 1/14/2029 (which also happens to be on my mother’s birthday): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_January_14,_2029 We need a HECS the day before this too LOL
  3. I used this site for the eclipse and it was really accurate. They have a map for 2026 too: http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/solar_eclipses/TSE_2026_GoogleMapFull.html 3.6% partial IMBY NNE gets a somewhat decent partial though.
  4. I’ve heard this one is likely to be cloudy though? Spain gets three eclipses in less than three years though, which shouldn’t be allowed. Tbh I couldn’t think of a better way to go out. LOL
  5. That one is pretty much guaranteed clear skies I think… but not sure on travel to Egypt.
  6. Forget 2045, I’m hooked now. I need another one of these sooner. *checks Alaska March climo for 2033*
  7. Oh so that was the pinkish spot I saw. I had thought it was some effect of the clouds. Thanks for the link! Also great photos everyone! I’m browsing through them all.
  8. I purposefully only took one picture of the sun which turned out badly anyway. I took a lot of photos of my family and our experiences though. So much stuff that photos don’t capture. The rapid dimming was almost like someone was turning down a brightness knob. Twilight in all corners of the horizon. Bugs coming out. The air suddenly cooling. Two birds off to my south zigzagging around looking confused. Even the area around totality in the sky had this weird pinkish effect which I think was from the cirrus clouds. Just mind-blowing.
  9. OMG that was insane! So glad we took the risk and came to Ohio.
  10. Same here but the sun is still visible. It’s almost game time, good luck to the Ohio crew here!
  11. 100% clear skies I cannot believe it, just lock this in for another 3 hours!
  12. It’s clearing out good here too now! I hope we can lock this in for another few hours.
  13. Wow are you still in Litchfield? I’m a little over an hour east and still 100% clouds. That needs to make it’s way here!
  14. Yeah the sky looks awful where I’m at, I hope this can clear out. We’ve got six hours at least…
  15. LOL That spot before the turnpike where they’re working on the right lane was the only brief backup on our drive today.
  16. I’ve stopped looking at models and forecasts. We’re just going to the place we booked in Ohio and hoping for the best. It’ll be a fun trip regardless. Good luck to all on here.
  17. I didn't even know there was an Earthquake until I got a text from my brother (who works in Glen Burnie) saying his whole office felt it. I didn't feel anything here IMBY.
  18. I’d love to go to the Sydney one… I really want to see the southern hemisphere night sky too. I’m not sure my kids and I could endure the long plane flight though.
  19. La Nina + record Atlantic warmth = most named storms and highest ACE on record. Bonus: cat 5 up the Bay in Sept. Bookmark this post.
  20. I'm really having this debate in my head now given the forecast IMBY vs. Ohio. We're probably going anyway, just so we can yell at the clouds all day like the old man in the Simpsons lol
  21. 0.84" today, 1.57" for the month.
  22. This one's been a meh IMBY the last few days (which is fine with me): 0.62" yesterday and 0.11" the day before. Drizzling now too.
  23. I was wondering about this too… it might look worse before it looks better if the GFS keeps accelerating the system.
  24. We want everyone to throw in the towel and cancel, then have a positive bust with sunny skies. Less traffic this way. Are we having eclipse reapings like we do for winters around here?
  25. I would definitely recommend seeing Niagara Falls, I liked that area of New York! Now if I had the money and time (neither of which I have), I would go to Egypt for the 2027 one.
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