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Everything posted by PrinceFrederickWx

  1. 404 The requested storm system could not be found. Please try again.
  2. LittleVillageWx finished 2nd place last year… we might have another Olaf or StormPC on our hands. Gotta watch what he/she does every year now before making a forecast.
  3. I’m calling early thread rights for any snowstorm here from March 16-31. Now’s the time to get in early, during the capitulation phase.
  4. This is interesting! I’d give 1899 an A+ and I wouldn’t rank 2011-12 dead last, just because I did see snow accumulate in October (which I’ll probably never see again). I don’t know much about 1904-05, I’ll have to research it given you ranked it so highly.
  5. Zero. I've now been completely shutout from accumulation since 1/29/22.
  6. I had mentioned both those winters in the snow futility thread when researching DCA shutouts. Those were both interesting years. Thanks for the info!
  7. I'm still liking where I sit, my proprietary PFWx model says we get our one and only WSW event in the 2nd half of March. I'll see you then.
  8. 1913-14 and 1959-60 were Nov/Dec/Jan shutouts at DCA that still ended up above average for the winter. I don’t know the story behind either of those though.
  9. We’ll get our first (and only) event this year in the second half of March, amidst all the hand-wringing over sun angle and slop accumulation. Remember this post- I make forecasts YOU can trust.
  10. Well this has been an easy contest for Rodney to run so far
  11. If I may make a suggestion, there should be two tiers of reaping: 1) It’s never going to snow here this year, and 2) It’s never going to snow here ever again (this is a popular new take I’m seeing more often now)
  12. Cue @WxWatcher007entrance music as he returns from retirement to take all our souls once again.
  13. It's only a year ago but 1/3/22 is already one of my fondest weather memories ever. I measured 9.3" (the 2nd biggest event IMBY since I moved to Prince Frederick) and some of best rates I've seen. It was also my youngest son's first snowstorm (he was only 3 months). We all built a huge snowman together. We also have a very steep hill on our property and half the neighborhood kids came over to sled with our kids. Sadly, many of their friends have moved away just a year later- half this neighborhood cashed out during the bubble and left. It'll never happen again...
  14. We’ve mostly figured it out now, but it means the incubation period would’ve been about 7 days for my wife (who caught it first). Long story short, it was literally impossible for any of us to have picked it up in the 3-4 day incubation period that’s claimed as the average now. None of us had left the house or interacted with anyone lol I don’t know what the research shows on incubation periods now, or how long it can theoretically take. I know the original strain had a longer incubation period like that.
  15. My wife and I and two of our children have Covid for the first time ever, and we literally have no idea how we got it. We weren’t even out anywhere! We’re all pretty sick too despite being vaccinated and boosted.
  16. What I’m most excited to see is if IMBY will actually get to the low of 7 currently forecast here tonight. I haven’t been below the 20’s in almost five years.
  17. Widespread model fraud on this one- might be a lot of bagholders in Chicago as well now.
  18. Another pump-and-dump scam The best part was at the beginning of the month, when weenies (for some reason) got hyped up for a Dec. 2010 redux... as if somehow this time we weren't going to get screwed during Christmas week again.
  19. Here comes the usual Pacific dump. Glad I cashed out early- gonna be a lot of bagholders in the LR thread. I’ll re-enter my position again in March, when we finally cash in amidst all the hand-wringing over sun angle.
  20. 50’s and rain seems to be a common theme in Decembers here now. Such a miserable month for weather.
  21. If that storm verifies then Dec. 9 is the new Dec. 5 IMBY. It would be the third time in five years that I’ve had accumulating snow on that date.
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