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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. 6-7 inches for a wide area. Originally best was supposed to be south of that area
  2. Euro is nice but it being alone gives me lots of caution flags
  3. Yup. Past few years we haven’t had the last minute north shifts with these clippers.
  4. Short range models really picking up on that now. This is probably nothing more then a dusting for the metro
  5. We done after Saturday
  6. Did it even start? Strong Nina next winter might be worst
  7. Awesome post! Thank you
  8. @bluewave needs to set the Sne forum straight
  9. It feels odd to read posts from you that are pro snow haha. Either way, I hope you’re correct about the 3-5
  10. It’s the only place currently that can sustain winter weather with the unfavorable MJO phases. @forkyfork and @bluewave are correct, the unfavorable mjo phases are here to stay. Winters will be more like the past few years then the snowy early 2000’s
  11. Getting the feeling we are just about done with snowfall around the area after Saturday
  12. I thought the icon did well with yesterday’s event. It never bought into a nyc jackpot
  13. MJO 5/6 is a torch for morch
  14. A early spring would be great
  15. Exactly. Our time is running out, take whatever we can get at this point of the season. Looks like surface temps won’t be a issue with this event
  16. Eps 1-2 for the area
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