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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Ensembles have plenty of rain chances moving forward. I think you will have a day or two sprinkled in of 80’s but the majority will be less than ideal
  2. Yup. First half of this month is going to be cool/wet. Just miserable
  3. Brutal weather. This weekend was miserable
  4. Great post. Euro continues the wet forecast. 3-4 over the next 10 days
  5. Euro has rain chances from Sunday through next week
  6. Gorgeous outside currently, tomorrow looks even better
  7. Yeah, just can’t shake the clouds to get higher
  8. PHL had its first 90 of the season yesterday. Thursday looks warm with temps into the 80’s.
  9. Beautiful morning! Can’t wait for this to be everyday two weeks from now 76 already!!!
  10. Enjoy!!! Get outside and enjoy it
  11. @bluewave potential rain event next weekend?
  12. Freeze warning tonight ugh. Can’t wait for the 80’s
  13. Yup. 24 hour mild down then it’s back to above normal
  14. Why the disconnect between ideal winter patterns not occurring inside DJF? It’s nice to see we can still get h5 looks like this but would be better during winter and not April
  15. Absolutely amazing out currently
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