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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Thanks. Yeah, if we miss out on the early nighttime convection I think it’s probably over for the metro outside of some rain early tomorrow morning
  2. If we need to wait until early morning it won’t be much more then some moderate rain
  3. Best action might be north of us tonight? SPC has the watch north of the area
  4. 91. Waiting for the storms
  5. Weather. Looks nasty tonight
  6. Overnight violence?
  7. Nice. This weekend looking wetter now as well
  8. Figures…nothing can come together for us this season
  9. Will the clouds hurt storm chances tomorrow?
  10. Agreed. Definitely not forecasted well
  11. Legit tree damage around town this afternoon. Didn’t think it would get this windy.
  12. Gorgeous morning
  13. South Jersey getting crushed tonight
  14. Huge fail today
  15. Late rally today once the clouds cleared out
  16. Fighting clouds down here
  17. Actually turning into a nice soaking rain. Lots of back building by your area, so this should continue for a while. did any model have the storms this far south today?
  18. Storm fizzing out…very meh here
  19. Congrats. Hopefully I get half of that from this storm. Taking its time moving in
  20. Need more rain here to say that…. the brief storm we did have definitely took temps down
  21. Lots of lighting on radar in that storm
  22. Nice crack of thunder and lightning as the storm blew up to my east
  23. Rain and thunder here currently. Enough for me not to water tonight
  24. Hot, but numerous clouds now
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