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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Finally looks active with cold near by. but not all those storms will be snow
  2. Nyc just missed a cold wave with 2 of the last 3 days below frz
  3. What’s your feeling going forward?
  4. Euro with the mid Atlantic crush job day 10
  5. Euro has that d10 threat as a mid Atlantic snowstorm
  6. You do better when the block connects with the se ridge
  7. Not shocking @bluewave feels we only need below avg temps in December and March for snow. January/feb all about storm track
  8. The forever p5 torch winters have taken a backseat this year
  9. The state of Tennessee will have issues as well. Looks like the majority of the state will see 4-8 of snow
  10. Atlanta might have more snow then Boston-orh-nyc by Saturday
  11. Time is starting to tick down now. February has a warm risk which will probably be very hard for snowfall in nyc
  12. That can be a suppressive look in the pv is to far southeast
  13. Not when the storm track is into the lakes
  14. It’s refreshing to not be looking at mjo charts every day looking for a path to 8-1-2
  15. That was the issue to start December not now Hopefully we reach 80 this February
  16. -8 departures in NYC during January isn’t exactly warm especially considering how mild the winters have become
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