I do 4 leagues for fantasy football which in one day a week. I can only imagine 4 baseball leagues with a numerous amount of games. I would love to just got back to two leagues next fall. This way you’re not rooting against your own players.
Yeah, it really does. Eventually it will flip again. That being said, we have made up for the lack of winter in February during March the last few years.
The Polar Vortex gained strength in December then coupled with atmosphere in January. This means all the cold stays locked up by the pole with no way to get in into the conus. That along with a unfavorable mjo (stuck in 5/6) was the nail in the this winters coffin.
Great Memory and maps! Thinking back now 3/21 was probably the coldest one of the bunch down here.
And yes, I would never think this storm would slide underneath us with that look out west.
More often then not he is correct. Let’s not forget how he nailed the uber blocking of March 2018 after the SSW. He has incredible skill in long range forecasting.