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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. I’m still optimistic that nyc snows again. But for the first half of January their are some caution flags. It’s not a slam dunk January 2011
  2. Longer then that. Take 2018 for example. We had one in February 2018 and didn’t feel the effects until March. We had one in January 2019 but it never coupled so it didn’t nothing for us.
  3. If it happens the lag is about 3-4 weeks. And that will depend on if it couples and effects us
  4. It’s really hasn’t been that cold for the grass to go completely dormant. The coldest air of the season mostly occurred when the grass was protected by snow cover.
  5. We had one for the 10 inch storm last week. It doesn’t need to be sustainable just has to spike briefly
  6. At that range the ensembles could just be smoothing out the pac. It won’t pick up on any pac retraction.
  7. Above normal snowfall for December. Historically it is almost a slam dunk we see another a snowstorm this winter when we get that. Our next chance is probably in early to mid January.
  8. Yeah, imby fetishes aside we are in such a better spot then last winter. The Atlantic looks great and the vortex will remain week. This time last year we were basically ended winter once the vortex gained strength
  9. If we loose the Atlantic then the 1st half of January is going to be toast. we continue to have issues with getting cold air into southeast Canada. (In January so meh cold is more then enough) but at some point we will need to tap that cold in Siberia.
  10. Agree. But having this much blocking is not normal. We have not had the typical December Niña pattern. This has been acting more like a nino then a Niña. Where is the southeast ridge and cold in the upper Midwest?
  11. Looks beautiful outside. Snow on the roofs and trees with flakes falling on snow. Like a scene out of a movie
  12. I always get more interested in a pattern when you’re on board. I really can’t believe that this is the way this winter is heading.
  13. Monmouth county and Long Island will get close to a inch with this
  14. Light snow. What a stretch of winter this past week. Really everything you could have asked for
  15. The last two days have not gotten above 32 in nyc. The last time this happen was March 2019
  16. This is why it’s so important to have a weak vortex. If we Didn’t have it (look like a ssw is coming as well) we would be in a typical Niña pattern. The weeklies and long range Models are just looking at the mjo and defaulting Niña
  17. 14 degrees snowpack and the holidays. The last few days have been epic
  18. Do you remember all the post you made about 10 inches of snow in nyc yesterday
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