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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Over a inch now and counting....
  2. Most of our snow comes in a 3-4 week period. In the snowy winters of 09-10 and 10-11 most of the snow fell in a similar timeframe. If you’re disappointed about 40 inches of snow in the heart of winter then you should consider moving. The outlooks for this winter, including our great snowman19, were for warmth and no snow. So we definitely got lucky from the ssw
  3. 100% agree. This was the best winter since 2015
  4. The drought talk was so silly
  5. Haha. You got a 35 inch winter in Brooklyn and most of it fell in three weeks. We had winter in winter this year. March snow is overrated
  6. This! March is one of the worst months of the year. I’m glad we didn’t get snow this month and we used it all in February
  7. That’s not the Colin we know on the forums...lol
  8. @snowman19 the new gfs doesn’t have a cold bias
  9. I will never forget their arrogance over the February cold/snow. They consistently said we would can kick the cold and called others out. We all know how it ended lol
  10. Once they tweeted and agreed with a Colin tweet they lost all respect for themselves
  11. How is bamwx still in business? Weren’t they calling for a February torch lol
  12. A big reason why NNJ and Abe have been the sweet spot this winter
  13. Eps has front end for that storm Monday into Tuesday. Favors areas around DCA and Phl for now
  14. Confluence has always won out this winter.
  15. Yeah, those warm Niña years we capitalized on every cold snow opportunity
  16. This weather feels amazing! The snow plow and snowblower are all cleaned and put away. Time for thunderstorms and high dews
  17. That’s when you know it’s been a good winter in nyc.
  18. We are are still waiting for his Niña February and secondary peak down here in the nyc area. He calls out JB but his track record is no better
  19. Impressive cold shot when we are struggling to break 40 under clear sky’s in March
  20. Nyc smoked bos in the feb 1 event. Very few times will Central Park get 17 and Boston less then 1. That’s where the difference lies
  21. No, just speaking for February itself .
  22. February 1st really hurt Boston but they ended with a decent number
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