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Posts posted by Allsnow

  1. 44 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Been a disaster for you guys. I  have been pretty much skunked since right before Christmas.  It is what it is. 

    4.5 here so far and none of it has stuck to the pavement. I have thrown out any hope of a good winter as we basically punted a month and half so far. I just hope to get to avg and have a solid 2nd half. Tropical forcing should get into the colder phases by the end of the month  and the Pv should start taking some hits. 

    Obviously is sne you guys have more room for error being further north.

  2. 21 minutes ago, snowman19 said:

    Assuming it finally does actually propagate and goes 8-1 in early February, the change probably would not be felt here until mid-February with the lag correct? I’m thinking the colder period is something like 2/15 - 3/15

    There can be a lag but it’s not 100% of the time. You won’t get high amplitude in the cold phases as it doesn’t work that way. But your colder period could very well be correct. It’s really all a guess at this point lol 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Isotherm said:


    Yes, verbatim, those projections would indicate forcing reaching phase 8 (though at a much lower amplitude) by Feb 3rd. Those plots were also derived from Roundy's website.

    Hopefully, we can get a p8 response. I still think we improve the pattern by the end of the month. But as you said it can’t really get much worst then this weekend lol. Even in p7 we wouldn’t be bias warm, I would think it would be more ups and downs between warm/cold. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

    Ok well looking ahead, we have Scandi ridging finally developing. It also looks like the PV finally gets stretched and is not concentric anymore. That’s usually a sign things are going on above. Sometimes Scandi ridging helps get that process started. 


    I read your post to him. Great stuff. Let’s hope the Scandinavian ridge can get the wave 1 hits going. 


  5. Just now, purduewx80 said:

    NYC records are 63 and 66 on the 11th/12th and EWR's are 66 and 67, respectively. I still think fog/stratus could keep temps a bit cooler than what it's showing.

    This will probably change, but the ECMWF suggests convection along the front Saturday night may tap into a 65KT+ low level jet. Could be some damage on LI if that verifies.


    I agree. Most of the time these warm ups are dirty in January. We are usually not under clear sky’s like December 2015 or January 2007. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    We got lucky in March when the strong -EPO disrupted the unfavorable pattern. But there was enough of a lingering influence so the best snows were NYC-LI North Shore, and CT. I only got about 4” here on the South Shore last March.



    Yeah, the -epo was the only thing favorable on that map. I got more then half my seasonal snowfall that weekend. Unfortunately, the mid level warmth came in quicker then forecast(as always) for that Sunday night event. It quickly turned the snow to rain on the coast. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Isotherm said:


    I think wave-2 activity will increase later this month, but whether it's sufficient to induce a technical SSW is indeterminate. Probability is lower than normal this season, in my view, for one to occur. However, regardless of what happens with the stratosphere, Feb-Mar had/have the highest potential (compared to Dec-Jan) for some improvements in the Atlantic-Arctic domain. 

    @tombo82685 stated, the wave 2 activity usually is a good indicator for cold shots. It worked very well in 2014. 

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  8. 9 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    Great post. That background state last February was probably related to the warm pool west of the date line. So even though the RMM charts went though phase 6-1, the actual VP anomalies indicated primary forcing between the phase 6-7 regions.






    Yeah, the base state was Niña so we got that response in February. -pna with troughs diving into the west coast. 

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