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Posts posted by Allsnow

  1. On 1/8/2020 at 8:51 PM, tombo82685 said:

    False and false.

    There is a complete atmospheric journal on slow and fast mjo and also the lag each response has


    and here is the cpc website that shows composite lag of each


    @jbenedet here are two articles about lag response for each mjo phase. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, jbenedet said:

    MJO in phase 6 def gives me pause/concern that Saturday doesn’t end up colder/snowier than current guidance.

    Admittedly though, I haven’t been following the MJO until very recently...So how strong this signal is vs the other players and climo is something I’m still piecing together...

    To me the only takeaway is the MJO is potentially calling BS on significant East Coast confluence/troughing ahead of this shortwave...I.E. current model guidance for a weak +NAO/-NAO setting up around that timeframe may be faux or transient—NAO end up more positive? 

    Hopefully someone here who follows MJO more closely can offer a better opinion on this...

    I think a lot depends on the wave break from the mid week storm for northern New England. Most of the guidance is really blowing that up so it helps with the confluence. The main player imo is the high pressure. That’s a real strong high moving in at 1044. 

    The mjo response in p6 is more of southeast ridge. The euro was amped at 12z which raised hgts in the East. We have seen this throughout the winter season with the euro. It will be amped then slowly back away from it. It is currently the most amped up global from the 12z suite.


  3. 24 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    Hopefully, we can move past the the southern stream suppression mode of recent times. The trough axis was also too Far East on 1-13-19. That one was right after the MJO phase 7-8 passage.


    Some Mid Atlantic crush jobs on the idv eps with that closed low look. 

    It’s definitely going to get active along the east coast. Eps has a potential costal the middle of next week and the following weekend. I like the the axis of the trough around the 25th. 


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  4. 25 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    I'd still take that run....some taint, but good thump first. I just want everything covered again with several inches and then work from there when the good pattern sets in.

    Yeah, that’s some Barney colored type cold coming after this system. Would be nice to lay some snow down for that. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, HVSnowLover said:

    Precip not as heavy especially on recent runs but that could change or adjust a bit.

    It’s all about the forcing. It obviously something we won’t know until we get closer. I just checked the high strength for November 2018 it was 1035. This is supposed to be around 1040, so stronger currently. But 1035 is nothing to sneeze at. @snowman19 it’s one thing to be argumentative with facts it another to be argumentative just for the sake of it. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, snowman19 said:

    This setup is absolutely nothing at all like November, 2018

    Why? Strong artic high with overrunning precipitation. We turned to rain in November 2018 also. The 10-1 maps are not grossly over done with the mid levels so cold beforehand. The kuchera maps are even snowier! Yes, lots of time left for this to go either way. 

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