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Posts posted by Allsnow

  1. 49 minutes ago, IrishRob17 said:


    I knew we could count on Don to get us some numbers confirming that warm winters and warm periods in winters have been around for a while.  

    Yes. I made a comment in the discussion thread that the  pond skating in 1907 had to be horrible. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, psv88 said:

    Yes, in 170 years of record keeping there have been 5 warmer years, and two of them were from before 1950. Three of the 6 (including this year), were in the past 22 years (1998, 2007, 2019). The prior years were 1907, 1932 and 1950.

    Essentially, in the 148 years before 1998, there were 3 warmer years, and in the 22 years since, there were 3 years in the top 6. 

    This is all dumb anyway, as the earth has warmed only 1 degree C since 1850, so you will still have great extremes, cold and warm. -5, becomes -3, which is still pretty ****ing cold. Nothing dumber than "it snowed last week, global warming is a hoax"

    100% agree. Perhaps in 50 years our winters will be more like North Carolina.  imo are extremes have gotten more extreme as their seems to me no middle of the road anymore. 

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  3. 51 minutes ago, donsutherland1 said:

    January 1-15, 2020 will very likely finish with a mean temperature of 42.8°. That would rank as the 6th warmest start to January in New York City (Central Park).

    The five warmer years were:

    2007: 46.4°
    1932: 44.0°
    1950: 43.6°
    1907: 43.5°
    1998: 43.3°

    I guess no pond skating back in 1932? Snoski and weatherpruf would have been jumping off their horses.


    just reading this thread you would think the warmest first half of This month has happen in the last decade.


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  4. 14 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    It certainly looks like we are moving into more of an El Niño pattern. The big AAM rise and strong WWB pattern are classic El Niño features. February is typically our best month of winter with an El Niño. The ridge over SE Canada that the models are indicating around the 25th is the January +AAM composite. That ridge usually pulls back in February allowing a colder pattern. But we can always use some help from the -AO and -NAO to make any El Niño February better.





    Nice post! Yeah, you’re 100% correct about the +AAM. We just need that to relax a bit to pull the ridge back west. Great stuff @bluewave. I don’t have access to the AAM charts. 

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  5. 29 minutes ago, snowman19 said:

    Yea, it’s pretty clear at this point that 2/15 or 2/05 isn’t on the way, there isn’t even so much as a hint of that and you would be able to see it by now

    Well those years are historic for a reason. We can’t see into February until next week, most likely why we don’t have any hints currently :thumbsup:

    All I’m saying is the pattern going forward isn’t last weekend. We will have chances with cold air around. The nino esque look has me hopeful for a typical cold snowy February.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    with no ATL blocking, I would not say cutters are gone-even with cold highs, there's the risk a storm slips b/w the 2 and goes to the lakes.   Agree it's a better pattern, but can't agree that it's a good or great pattern.

    But now we have blocking in central Canada. We don’t need a -nao to snow in nyc. We had that for the first half of December and got squat. 

    And yes we can get cutters in any winter. January 2014 had them even during our good periods. But with this look I would favor a costal track over a cutter to Detroit. You have been around long enough to know we don’t need a great pattern in January to snow.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    been hearing about a great pattern for 2 years...not much to show for it.   Like Allsnow said above the chances for an 05 or 15 recovery are slim.     Hopefully we can get a snowstorm or two...I'd be happy with that at this point.  Anything more than that would be a huge win.

    We will have opportunities  coming up the next few weeks. The reshuffling was on the ensembles for the 26th but the signal is bit stronger now. 

    By just reading this thread you would think next week La Niña is coming and we will torch again. 
    We still have ridging our west with a split flow along with a northwest flow from Canada. The cutters are gone after Saturday but most people won’t acknowledge that because it means little for their backyard. 

    Agree with @bluewave, the +amm is probably hurting the -epo and the scandy ridging is fading. Which it return is allowing higher hgts in central Canada. It’s still not a bad look and trust me if it looked like trash I would acknowledge it. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, SnoSki14 said:

    At this point I would say just bring on spring but I already know it'll be another lousy one. 

    I can already see the NAO/AO tanking as we flip to March. 

    I agree that we are past the point where winter will be saved by some epic 2015/2005 type run. I say this because I just don’t see those cards lining up for us. That being said, we will get a storm eventually. Probably sometime in February 

  9. Just now, donsutherland1 said:

    The preliminary AO value today was +3.622.

    The January 1-15, AO average was +3.560. That is the second highest such figure on record since daily AO values were recorded beginning in 1950. It is only the fourth case on record where the AO averaged +3.000 or above during the January 1-15 period. The three prior cases were:

    1989 +3.480
    1993 +3.886
    2007 +3.342

    In two of the three prior cases, the AO averaged > 0 during February. In all three cases, the AO averaged > 0 in March.

    More importantly, all three prior cases saw a colder than normal February in the Middle Atlantic and southern New England regions.

    For the December 1-January 15 period, the AO has averaged +1.429. The AO has been positive on 70% days and negative on 30% days. It has also been at +3.000 or above on 33% days. Mean seasonal snowfall in New York City for the 11 cases where the December 1-January 15 AO average was +1.000 or above was 18.5". When the 3 cases with an AO average of +2.000 are excluded, the mean seasonal snowfall figure was 18.9".


    Incredible stuff! Thanks Don. We might see that typical backend niño February 

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  10. 1 hour ago, bluewave said:

    You can see the models adjusting milder around the 25th now that they have such a strong AAM rise. This is occurring as the record MJO enters the Western Pacific phases. We are getting a very strong WWB with this and a more El Niño looking regime. The stronger ridge building into SE Canada around the 25th is part of this pattern.




    Do you think will then get more of a classic Nino February? The stj is definitely going to become more active and with are at the coldest climo part of the year. We don’t need -25 over are heads to snow in late January 

  11. 1 hour ago, weatherpruf said:

    What happened to the pattern flip after the 20th? Can any of these models really be that good? This winter has stinker written all over it, but that's just gut feeling. I'll wait and see what happens, because what else can one do?

    The entire h5 set up is changing after the 20th. It’s not going to be consistently cold for weeks on end. We will have times where it will warm up. Today will be the last warm day for a while. 

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