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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. It amazes me how this model continues to be looked at by Mets and hobbyists. It’s a huge waste of time outside 24 hours. @bluewave is their any plan to discontinue this model?
  2. Best shot for the coast is a period of light snow early Saturday morning from the decaying Ivt. It won’t be much of anything to write home about
  3. As @CAPE posted above, that’s not blocking it’s the anomalous warmth in Canada showing those hgts.
  4. Didn’t most of that fall in November?
  5. With the new climate I’m not sure that is even possible anymore.
  6. Looks like the month is locked to come in below normal but no snow to show for it
  7. Looks like perhaps one day in the middle 50’s…
  8. Great surprise! It was one of only 2 weeks we got winter weather last winter
  9. Please let us know how much snow you get before the next warm up
  10. You will be lucky to see any
  11. Same pattern just a diff year… next warm up already in sight
  12. Been waiting for the January pattern since 23
  13. Gorgeous. After this weekend/Christmas I’m about done with cold without snow
  14. Flooding North America with pac air. Going to take some time to flush that airmass out if/when the pac improves. So reminiscent of the crap winters we have had recently
  15. EPS snow mean over a inch for the end of the week
  16. Yup, this weeks cold shot will probably be the coldest of the month
  17. Great snow band here that month…
  18. Move to Watertown in a snow belt area. It’s the only place that will consistently get snow in the new climate
  19. Seems like a win just to have a winter month with the opportunity to finish below normal in the temp departure. we finally get the PNA to work in our favor and the jet ext pushed it too far east. With how cold The country has been it’s amazing that just two small areas by the lakes are above avg in snowfall. safe to say this won’t be a 20-21 type winter but hopefully we can get a Jan 22 type month to salvage something
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