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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Yes. Because we had very cold air in Canada. I don’t see that In the next two weeks of January. The vortex and ridge in Hudson Bay will moderate Canada quickly.
  2. Disagree. I remember posting about a over running threat last Saturday when it was in the 70’s. I even posted how the news will have that classic split screen weather segment. The cold artic high pressure was the only reason we snowed in yesterday’s set up.
  3. Okay. This was the exact tweet. I agree for North Carolina it’s not a torch. It will be too stormy down there with a active STJ which will keep temps around normal. Imo that tweet has nothing to do with areas outside the southern US.
  4. It would be a torch if we didn’t have a split flow. That ridge from Hawaii would be in the plains instead of the west coast. It’s not a torch but above normal for the majority of the conus. I expect very little for the coastal plain the next two weeks. The interior and nne is a totally different story.
  5. We have a very marginal airmass with no artic air around. The eps mean has less then a one inch for our area. Those numbers increase out by northern Pa and upstate ny. So in short, I would be shocked to see next weekend workout for the costal plain.
  6. I didn’t say it was a torch but very much above normal. That’s a 7 day mean and after Thursday we don’t have another below normal day. (If correct) I don’t know what exactly Webb said so I’m not going to question it. The flow looks very progressive with above normal temps the next two weeks.
  7. This is simply incorrect. It hasn’t been any worst then the other guidance. The GEFS have been too cold in the long range.
  8. I don’t know what he is saying but that is a ugly look on the eps. Vortex in ak with a +nao. The only thing that makes it cooler by him is the split flow. If that’s what he is saying.
  9. Yep. I’m pretty sure we gain a phase of the mjo that is cold in March. I believe it is p3. Another year with a favorable mjo pass that will result in a unfavorable response. We could see some hits on the Pv starting in mid February that will line up with your timing well.
  10. I would expect them to kick the can on any favorable pattern until mid February
  11. Another rathe ugly eps run. As the vortex sits in ak with a ridge near Hudson Bay. Canada is really flooded with above normal pac air. The ridge from Hawaii is into the west coast. This look is locked on the eps all the way into the first week of February.
  12. Actual. Knyc 2.1 Kewr 1.8 Klga 1.9 kjfk 1.6 Kbdr 2.5 Not a bad forecast for this storm. I was too high at ewr (lull hurt) and too low for Long Island (no lull) I wish they could all go this well lol
  13. Yep. The past two years I have been glued to CC on RadarScope tracking the mix line. I’m longing for a all snow event lol. Nice event either way in a crud winter. Good tracking with you guys. Time to go shovel the ice crud off my driveway. Enjoy the snow to those that are still getting it.
  14. Unfortunately don’t think we will get saved like last March lol. The sleet line blew through here and currently getting beat back south of ewr. Nice winter night either way.
  15. That’s not snow in eastern Pa. it’s all sleet which is reflecting on radar.
  16. Odd.....this is a powdery snow also. How’s the belt on it?
  17. I doubt we see much sleet now with the back edge by Abe. Should rip this evening for nyc and nnj
  18. Love mod snow on a January evening. It’s been way to long.
  19. Mod snow currently huge flakes. Very cool to see
  20. Runs from LBI to ttn to Easton currently
  21. Once the dry slot has ended that crew transforms into the mixing line bunch.
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