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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. It’s amazing how consistent the models are in bringing significant snow to nyc. Usually when you have blocking the models latch on to a idea early because it can only come so far north. Going to be a nasty cutoff in sne
  2. Bill what’s your thoughts on the gefs, ggem, eps, euro, and icon all showing a similar evolution?
  3. Exactly!!!!. This is the best set up we have had since March 2018. Throw all the bad voodoo of last winter out!!!! This isn’t December 2019
  4. If we didn’t have it this would be a cutter. It’s all about how far north the primary gets. The trend has been stronger with the confluence
  5. The confluence is only going to let this get so far north. Classic track for the metro for a historic winter storm on the gfs
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