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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. I always get more interested in a pattern when you’re on board. I really can’t believe that this is the way this winter is heading.
  2. Monmouth county and Long Island will get close to a inch with this
  3. Light snow. What a stretch of winter this past week. Really everything you could have asked for
  4. The last two days have not gotten above 32 in nyc. The last time this happen was March 2019
  5. This is why it’s so important to have a weak vortex. If we Didn’t have it (look like a ssw is coming as well) we would be in a typical Niña pattern. The weeklies and long range Models are just looking at the mjo and defaulting Niña
  6. 14 degrees snowpack and the holidays. The last few days have been epic
  7. Do you remember all the post you made about 10 inches of snow in nyc yesterday
  8. How much did you end up with? I had 8 here. Which is a great storm in December for this area
  9. 6-7 is not a bad December event. We still have some time to tack on more.
  10. It’s stopped at Toms River. We will be fine. Areas in eastern pa will flip way before us. mod snow 3 inches
  11. The transfer to the new low and track into Delmarva. It sends some mid level warmth into are direction. If we didn’t have a 1038 high it would have been all rain
  12. 6-12. We are in a good position for this event because of our location. Once the low starts moving East it will change our wind direction. I think we will sleet for a bit but in between the fronto band and decaying ccb. We will not get above 32 at the surface
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