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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. What a winter for MSP… Should be over 50 YTD after todays storm
  2. It’s been a very wet winter that’s for sure….
  3. You had a foot of snow lol….
  4. It’s never good when the cold is on the other side of the globe. Most of our awful winters have had that happen
  5. Do you think we ever flip this warm pattern? All I see is zonal flow out to the end of the ensemble runs
  6. Caught in a trap and we can’t get out….
  7. Storm signal still on the eps around the 14th
  8. Depends on how much confluence to the north we have and strength of southeast ridge. I think we can all agree the dateline ridge with trough in the west hasn’t really been a snowy look for our areas in years
  9. @MJO812 mid month mjo help
  10. Climate is completely diff then 89/90 now….that clipper would probably be rain now
  11. I don’t hate winter! I love cold and snow during the season. I have just become better at recognizing what we need to get that in our area. I don’t see that pattern coming anytime soon
  12. You will continue to say this until you realize we were correct. Then you will start blaming some Twitter met or a winter outlook. 1/15 is going to come without a inch in Brooklyn
  13. Those areas will need to get some big hits in the coming weeks to get to avg climo snowfall imo. You can’t punt so many weeks in those areas
  14. PAC jet retracts and the dateline ridge forms which dumps the blues into CA. Yikes
  15. Disappointing can kick on the ensembles overnight
  16. -pna +nao and +ao on all the ensembles now in the 11-15 day. January might be toast now for snowfall
  17. Poor showing by Boston weather for the winter classic
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