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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. @snowman19 this ain’t a torch
  2. Where r you seeing this? The ensembles over night alll look cold till the end…unless you can see past mid month
  3. The Pv never coupled which probably was a big help with the January cold. The mjo also in the cold phases helped a ton
  4. Yeah, convection lingering near Africa will help pump the pna
  5. Haha. Poor snowman. Last year February did him in and this year was January lol
  6. What helped as well is the mjo getting into p8 then dying into IO. We had lingering effects of p8. This was all the mjo imo
  7. Stronge January for nyc. The power of p8 and a pna. January is the best month to have winter in it imo. How below avg will nyc be this month? -3?
  8. You still worried about the euro being out to sea?
  9. The forward speed and pna ridge position will cap how west this can go
  10. @bluewave has been all over the trends so far
  11. Now they will all jump into the inland solution
  12. Go back to all the posts from yesterday and then get back to me
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