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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Eps totally caving to the GEFS this afternoon…not shocked
  2. Yes, the euro has been to quick with the mjo. Perfect example was when snowman kept saying rna for the end of January/two weeks of cold…..
  3. It does imo because the euro charts are lingering in 2/3 longer now. Which is a nod to the American guidance. Even the olr maps are slower with the progression then the euro
  4. Highly unlikely…the euro mjo plots already go towards the GEFS with more p1/2 longer.
  5. Mix of wintry precipitation here. Glad the nws issues the WWA
  6. Nws said no With forecast QPF totals and confidence in spatial coverage being relatively low, this is expected to be more a nuisance event. Roads are likely already fairly well-treated from the previous round of wintry weather a few days ago, which should help limit impacts on the morning and afternoon commutes. A light film or glaze of ice on some trees is possible, but would be far from causing downed limbs or power lines. Winds will also be relatively light through the day tomorrow out of the northeast from 5 to 10 mph.
  7. Frz rain looks impactful tomorrow morning. Wouldn’t be shocked to see WWA go out
  8. Thank you. But I was told I took a “L” or “melting” when you tell people something they don’t want to hear
  9. Even areas around nyc which are below it’s still close to 32. It will accumulate on the trees etc by have very little impact on the main roads. impactful was a few weeks ago with the frz rain event early in the morning
  10. Not sure what I busted on. I said it would be a slow drain after the morning crash of temps. Outside of extreme northern areas temps are borderline which will not allow a ton of ice build up.
  11. Doubtful. Temps wonts be crashing fast enough. Still a slow drain going in the area. I was 37 at 10am and still just 35 now
  12. Going to be a slow drop now through the afternoon. Most areas won’t touch 32 until this evening. Might not be much precipitation left by then
  13. Typical Niña winter where the snow doesn’t stick around long
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