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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. The low north of Japan imo is what’s influencing the pattern. It’s definitely not the mjo
  2. Weeklies lock in the pattern through April
  3. Snow is gone and it feels beautiful outside currently
  4. @40/70 Benchmark might get his revenge
  5. Acy had their snowiest January on record
  6. Yeah…the second storm crushed northern nj with 15-20. Nyc just missed the best of the ccb to its west
  7. This doesn’t look like cold phases by March to me
  8. Idk the true stats, but today feels like the coldest day of the season so far
  9. WWA extended for additional 2 inches here. Where was this event last month ugh
  10. Probably our best rates of this sad winter. Will probably get 3-3.5
  11. Setting up a warm start to March
  12. Ugh. I’m sorry. It’s just so important to document document and save those service logs. I haven’t held my own contracts since 2011. When I got into it (I was under the impression I would get sued) the overhead was a lot diff then it is now. I have been a sub since then for a private company. Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall for that company as the work has gotten less and less over the years. It’s a real shame because I enjoy doing it but they make it next to impossible to do it anymore
  13. Yup. It’s next to impossible down here to do it on your own. It’s going to get to the point where big management companies will hold the accounts an sub the work out. Just think about being in western Ct or Mass with a few pathetic storms which turn little profit and a law suit…
  14. The insurance is ridiculously high now with the numerous slip and fall claims. It’s getting to the point where you’re spending 8-10k before one flake of snow.
  15. Yeah, that one killed the momentum earlier on in January.
  16. Ehhh…I’m not sure what his thoughts are so I won’t comment on that. But imo, the mjo will be in the driver seat with the strong pv, +epo, +nao and mjo warm phases. I completely understand in some years it won’t be dictating our pattern. With that said, so far this year it has been in the driver seat. The cold January was a direct result of the mjo going 7/8 then died in IO which had lingering cold phases. Yes, we/sne can sneak a well timed event in. But overall the second half of February favors warm to perhaps way above normal imo
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