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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Yep, the death bands were over Monmouth, Staten Island and eastern Union counties for that one. Heart Boxing Day blizzard
  2. Posted in nyc forum. Flips the Ao and nao after mid month. Haha
  3. Weeklies flip the Ao/nao after mid month haha
  4. I thought the ensembles did a good job for the first week of March. It was always supposed to be cold and dry. We are to deep into the trough then the epo reloads for second week of March. The first weekend in March imo was always a warm risk with cutter.
  5. Next weekend will probably be real warm
  6. Exactly. The weekend of 5/6th was always a cutter risk. In the 11-15 day certain features will be muted until they get closer
  7. Because the models keep trying to bring the mjo out of P3/4 but the convection isn’t moving. We probably see a cooler second half of March with Pv destruction and cooler mjo phases
  8. It will continue to get weaker. The io maps continue to die in IO.
  9. Latest mjo olr maps have everything croaking in IO.
  10. I wish I was like my friends an got the weather from the news.
  11. I wish I was Normal and didn’t care about the weather
  12. @donsutherland1 ensembles showing the Ao flipping…does it hold merit?
  13. Yeah, olr maps have this still in 3/4 then dies into IO
  14. I don’t see (olr maps) that strong of a push into 6/7. I honestly think this goes to cod for a while
  15. With that comes a storm threat. The op crushed Boston
  16. Big change is the eps today as it goes crazy with ao blocking with some higher hgts in Greenland by the 1st
  17. Hopefully we can trend that blocking in the Ao region stronger
  18. AO blocking showing on the ensembles for second week of March
  19. Tomorrow will be nicer or any day in late April
  20. Yeah…if the epo can keep pushing east would squeeze the tpv further south
  21. She isn’t going to let us out…
  22. What’s fisher saying about March now?
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