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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. EPS pattern is definitely a cold dry look
  2. I get the pretty images on the 300 hours ensembles but people really need to understand that looks has not been verifying as we get closer…
  3. Still chasing the same carrot out past 300 hours none of these op runs fwiw look that great inside 7 days
  4. Jan 2022 was a beast out on LI
  5. You probably could mow this morning LI is a rough spot for snow
  6. Merry Christmas SNE family! We officially have a white Christmas in NYC
  7. I still have snow on my driveway and street… damage wasn’t as bad as advertised
  8. Ugh sorry. Small screw zone in that area this week. My street is still snow covered as the town never salted
  9. Awful. Normally you and @Brian5671 keep the snowpack
  10. Sun really never came out today to combine with temps creeping above 32. Snowpack should be fine for 12am obs
  11. Month total in NYC with be 2.8 ewr 3.8
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