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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Good chance we see something in nyc this month, imo
  2. Haha. I’m holding you responsible if it doesn’t snow in my backyard
  3. December 2003 I believe cut into the Midwest which have rain to Chicago before a transfer
  4. Nice shift south on the 06z eps with the 50/50
  5. GEPS back to full KU look in the 11-15 day
  6. This -epo really popped the last few days on the ensembles. Looks like more of a 14/15 type pattern now
  7. Gefs with a big improvement By day7/8, hopefully it stays from run to run
  8. Don’t think we avoid that one unless h5 changes significantly
  9. I don’t miss them drying up on radar crossing the mountains as a kid
  10. Best and last clipper we ever had
  11. Great post. I would’ve thought 03-04 would be up there but I was wrong
  12. Agree. Very difficult in this new climate to get a pattern to set in for that long
  13. I just don’t remember it being very cold but the snow pac was incredible. February 21 was a fun stretch here locally.
  14. To me that was close to 93/94 type winter with systems every few days that had several precipitation types followed by record cold
  15. 09-10 was just cold enough and 10-11 wasn’t very cold either
  16. The gfs is still a horrible model but the gefs have been doing great in the pac this month so far. It has been way better then the eps in that area
  17. Was 13/14 14/15 17/18 close to those cold winters?
  18. December 2017 was the last real cold one we have had. That month was all driven by pac/epo… Please kick this nao to the curb
  19. It was the entire month but not as below as the last week of it. BDR -3.5 5.5 of snow
  20. December 2017 was very cold on the coast. Which was all pna/epo driven
  21. We are starting to loose December as a winter month because of recent warming
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