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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. We are above normal for the first half if not more this month. The ens look mild to the very end of their runs so far
  2. I know you’re not implying this but I hate to start SPV watch in an effort to save winter. There are so many different outcomes with a weakening SPV which makes it hard to speculate.
  3. PAC continues to look problematic…same issue for years now
  4. Only to loop back into 3/4 or we don’t get a true p8 response because of other Nina factors
  5. Most of the ensembles are showing this to the end of the there runs today
  6. Yes. Two week window end of January into February… then it’s over as we can’t shake the lingering nina issue s
  7. Who is seeing snow next week? NNE? They can snow in most patterns even with being above normal
  8. Exactly. The usual suspects fall for this and next thing you know they kick the can to January. Hopefully we can score a storm in late January or February that fits Nino climo
  9. Because it’s convection and it feeds off warm water… it will slow down
  10. It’s not going to speed through
  11. Agreed. The loop into COD was so bogus and fooled many. This will go around the horn and take its time going into the colder phases. Perhaps a colder look as we enter January which fits Nino climo if their isn’t any lingering Nina effects
  12. Ensembles look hideous for Mid month… Get ready for the meltdowns
  13. The cold dry pattern was annoying at the end of December 2017
  14. Hopefully something wintry in the second half of winter
  15. Normally warmth dominates before these major SSW happen
  16. Latest mjo Vp maps show this lingering in p4/5
  17. Those RMM plots are not great to use with predicting the mjo. Days ago people were posting them showing it going into COD. Now it’s correcting stronger and going around the horn. This is why I said days ago how I was skeptical of the MJO “racing through the warm phases”
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