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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Yeah, that blue in the southeast is probably just storms with the active pac jet. All of the ensembles agree on that look going into the middle of the month
  2. That would not be a cold look here in NYC. Ridge in the Aleutians with all Cold locked in Ak. The flow on that map is directly from the PAC
  3. Another mild December day outside currently
  4. Great to hear from you! I hope all is well
  5. Still no evidence of a cooler/snowier pattern showing up on the ensembles. Our mild pattern might go into the the New Year nina forcing in the mjo warm phases keeping us in the same pattern
  6. @bluewave right in time for the solstice 60 degree temperature
  7. On that plot and the euro you see the curl back at the end which is its way of correcting slower in the warm phases
  8. Those silly RMM charts are finally catching up to the slower mjo pass in 4-7
  9. No models go out that far currently
  10. They’re starting to meltdown…just wait until Christmas when most don’t have a flake in that area
  11. Another rainy mild December….
  12. @bluewave has posted this and I’m on the same train of thought… The mjo isn’t going to race through p4-7 and with traditional lag it could be until January when we see more of a pac reshuffle. I wouldn’t be shocked if the 2nd half of December is warmer then the 1st half if -nao fades.
  13. What’s the point? Its still way to warm for snow here even with a block
  14. The negative Nao is pointless if the pacific is so horrible. We will have a -nao next week when you’re in the 50’s
  15. That’s a mild/torch look going into mid month on the eps
  16. 60 on Saturday? Another warm start to Another December
  17. https://www.meteonetwork.it/models/mjo/
  18. P7 in Nino December is exactly what the ensembles are showing for mid month
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