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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. I was wondering why I didn’t see the weeklies posted all over this site today… 4-7 mjo….enough said
  2. All the warm water feeding convection exactly where you don’t want it
  3. This needs to improve before anyone can start talking snow
  4. Add the euro op to that as well….
  5. Before 19/20 winter it had only happened once in my lifetime which was 97/98. It has now happened twice in 3 years 19-20 and 22-23
  6. Haven’t plowed snow since January 2022. Coming up on two years now
  7. Yup, many will read those silly RMM plots and say convection is moving along quickly. When in the reality the OLR maps are showing convection still in 6/7 as the initial wave weakens in p8
  8. You know things are bad when you read posts in that forum which say.. ”pattern change begins the 15th and completed by the 20th” ”lots of changes in the 11-15 day but the gefs are the coldest” “perhaps we can sneak a event in before things become more hostile” “my winter forecast outline this thaw period perfectly” ”this isn’t last winter, we got a flurry today”
  9. Meanwhile they’re circling the wagons in the sne forum over a dusting while posting the 11-15 day gefs
  10. We still can’t shake that Nina forcing in 4-7. OLR maps keep the mjo in 6-7 into the 11-15 day The RMM charts are chasing convection at the end with the curl Into cod
  11. @bluewave we are being talked about all over this forum because we are taking posters snow away with our mjo talk haha
  12. Congrats. Light snow currently falling here. It’s been hard lately to get a December day to feel like December. Unfortunately, this won’t last as we approach 60 this weekend
  13. Yes, Presidents’ Day weekend then winter ended
  14. First flurries of the season here currently 32 Looks the Philly area is in for a nice surprise this morning
  15. Not having the -nao block so far south I think is helping this cutter really ramp up. The past few Nina’s the storms would dig out west and run into a road block with block so far south
  16. It’s amazing we got that much on a horrible track. Testament to the airmass ahead of the system
  17. 1993 was a wild a storm, I remember after a foot the wind driven sleet felt like rocks pelting you. I believe we had a clipper in early March that year that dropped 2-4
  18. Latest olr maps have the mjo wave weakening in p7 while more convection fires up on the boarder of 2/3
  19. Obviously, your area can snow in more hostile patterns then down in the mid Atlantic. I’m hopeful that we get a favorable 2-3 week window in this area (end of January into February) for something to help us get close to avg snowfall.
  20. Statistically, if we don’t see at least an inch in NYC by the end of December the chances of an above normal snowfall season are slim. We haven’t had an inch of snow since February 2022. For your area and sne, I can’t imagine punting one month of avg snowfall is helpful in reaching avg for the season.
  21. Looks like 60’s Saturday and Sunday Get outside and enjoy it!!!
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