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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. Yeah, 20th coming back alive this run with the more progressive look for the 17th
  2. Thanks. I just don’t want it to turn into some script out of December.
  3. 2m surface temps are pretty torchy. But if we can pop that PNA it would probably cool off quickly.
  4. Yeah, added with the JET Ext it was lights out for winter weather in December
  5. @bluewave end of the eps definitely showing the warmth from p4
  6. Hopefully. I don’t want it be another situation where we flood Canada with warmth which takes a few weeks to rebound. We would be into February by that point
  7. Hopefully both events drop snow for the coast next week. Definitely a warm risk after the block breaks downs. The end of the eps today was pretty torchy in Canada
  8. I think next week makes or breaks this winter. If we get nothing, I think outside one event in February it’s probably not going to be a decent winter
  9. EPS very bullish for the 17th with a 4-5 inch mean 996 over the BM
  10. Can’t say I disagree, just hopeful we get something. If nyc doesn’t get at least a inch next week from that type of look I will call this hobby quits
  11. Haven’t had a pattern like this in a very long time…
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