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Everything posted by weathermedic

  1. Upton posted watches. 4-8 for the city
  2. I measured just under 4 inches (3.8) here in Sheepshead Bay.
  3. 4 inches here in Sheepshead Bay with snow just about done. Temp was 33 when the snow was falling this morning and dropped to 32 around 1pm.
  4. 1-inch here in Sheepshead Bay and snowing lightly now.
  5. Made it up to 49 today on my Davis Vantage Vue which is mounted about 6 ft above my peaked roof.
  6. 16 inches for the storm so far. 33 degrees with light snow/drizzle mix here now in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn.
  7. Upton issued winter storm warnings for everyone except extreme northern areas and eastern end of Suffolk. They are going with 12-18 inches for the city and mentions the possibility of blizzard warnings being needed for western Long Island, NYC and coastal Connecticut.
  8. Not sure if I am reading this correctly but the Euro looks like the storm actually retrogrades westward off the Jersey coast between the 48 and 72 hour panels.
  9. From Upton’s morning AFD: SHORT TERM /SUNDAY NIGHT THROUGH TUESDAY NIGHT/... The 00Z modeling has increased confidence in the occurrence of a significant storm, but not eliminated any of the fcst uncertainty wrt the details. There still remains a high amount of uncertainty regarding the rain/snow line as we get into Mon. With strong ely flow, it is likely a coastal front sets up across sern LI. The challenge is how much it pivots nwwd, and how much warm air aloft works into the sys. The latter is highly track dependent. The ECMWF is the warmest soln, with the NAM and GFS much colder. The heaviest pcpn looks to occur during the day on Mon, extending into early Mon ngt. A lingering band may then set up somewhere in or near the cwa for the rest of the ngt as the storm is slow to pull away. A particularly deep low is not expected to develop with this sys. However, there will be a tight gradient due to a 1030s high sitting over Quebec. As a result, strong winds are likely with this storm, and speeds have been ramped up in the fcst. Gusts to around 60 mph seem likely at the peak of the storm, especially ern LI. A winter storm watch has been issued for most of the area. The Twin Forks and sern New London have not been included attm because of mixing concerns. If the models maintain a GFS/NAM type track, the north fork and sern New London will likely need to be included. The south for will be difficult due to the cstl front. Orange county was not included in the watch as well. This area may be too far west of the heaviest snow axis, yielding lower confidence. It is possible this area may need to be included in the future iterations if confidence increases. A high wind watch/warning may be needed for the coastal areas not covered by the winter storm watch. Otherwise, the wsw covers wind hazards. The low is still expected to linger over the area and not get completely out until Tue ngt. As the strong advections cease, pcpn rates are likely to be lower, with any banding more sporadic thru the day on Tue and into Tue ngt.
  10. So far 34 degrees, cloudyband heavy salt on the roads here in Brooklyn
  11. Getting reports of several one car accidents and overturns in NW NJ and in Rockland and Orange counties.
  12. Started out as some sleet mixed with rain but quickly went to rain along the south shore of Brooklyn. Of course NYC sanitation was salting the highways.
  13. Received .72 inches of rain with a max wind gust at 47 mph (at 3am) at my station in Sheepshead Bay.
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