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Everything posted by ouamber

  1. Lol just 2 days ago, Kansas was getting buried, and now today Texas is getting buried. Do you want to be in the Euro and GFS sweet spot 10+ days out? I like spread the wealth storms though...hoping we all can cash in on this.
  2. Hi Everyone!! Long time...no chat! Of course like everyone, I'm getting excited about the "potential winter weather". We are due for snow in Tulsa and across Oklahoma...I still have bugs! Come on...kill these suckers!!! My favorite Okie mets are Mike Collier KJRH Tulsa, Aaron Tuttle, Travis Meyer KOTV Tulsa, David Payne KWTV OKC. None of those guys go overboard, and are quick to caution what gets put out on social media.
  3. JoMo...I don't come on here very much, but I remember you during our crazy winter. I live in Tulsa, and it's crazy to think this hit so close to us. I keep thinking, it could've been us. I was praying really hard for you and your family. I'm very happy to hear you are safe. Thank you for sharing with us. The pictures are unimaginable, and I pray to God I never have to go through that. My family was in a tornado in Morris, OK in 1984. 11 people lost their lives, and sadly my family's house was the ONLY house in the town of 2000 still standing. I know the survivor guilt you must be feeling, but I always say, God wasn't through with me yet and he isn't through with you either. Crazy to think I drove through Joplin not too long ago on my way and back from Branson. God bless you and family and Joplin.
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