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Everything posted by Jonbo

  1. That's all there is left of the Spencer Dam in north-central Nebraska. There's gonna be a big lawsuit over this coming. Someone in 2010 recorded it leaking badly and talked about maintenance being deferred. https://youtu.be/VRP3gFtjem8
  2. It's been awful watching my hometown area have all this unprecedented flooding unfold so fast.
  3. How about that Marginal severe weather risk for Monday? Winter won't take over without a fight i guess.
  4. Outflow boundary set up in that area overnight so I can't be surprised it's taking off now. Some rotation also.
  5. It makes me wonder (not to discredit the overall force of the tornado) that since it threw vehicles around like toys (among an overwhelming amount of the rest of what was in its path), that could have weakened them enough to "help" get them out. I'm not the expert but just speculation on my end.
  6. JoMo, I really appreciate the updates and the new videos posted by you and others. I probably would never have seen them without these posts. Thank you
  7. I liked the cafeteria one mostly because you could really scrutinize how the debris is reacting in relation to the winds due to the ceiling having collapsed.
  8. Seeing that track on the map with EF ratings, it's just so baffling that it literally become a monster right as it hit Joplin then weakened (relative) as it exited the main part of the city. It's one of those once in a decade or maybe even century storms for such a pretty large city.
  9. So many of these tornadoes went through fairly populated cities and towns that I can't be too surprised if the death toll continues to climb. Stil sobering
  10. 33/40 showing stream from another chaster (forgot the name) and it is absolutely huge. God I hope people in Birmingham take shelter in a very good structure
  11. Mayor confirmed at least 1 fatality likely related so far
  12. Holy sh*t is an understatement to what I'm watching on the 33/40 stream.
  13. Checking the local news sites (and twitter), lots of large trees down and some structural damage so far reported.
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