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Everything posted by CNY_WX

  1. KBUF - station identifier (Buffalo airport) 120254Z - date and time of observation (12th at 2:54 Z = 9:54 PM EST) 02011KT - wind direction and speed (020 degrees or NNE at 11 knots) 1/2SM - visibility (1/2 statute mile) R23 5000V6000 FT (runway 23 visibility variable 5000 to 6000 ft) SN FZFG (obstruction to visibility in this case moderate snow and freezing fog) VV009 - not sure what this is M03/M06 - temperature and dew point in Celsius A2995 - altimeter reading (29.95 inches) This is followed by remarks
  2. Just measured 1 1/2 inches here so far. About an hour ago it had changed over to a freezing drizzle but now it’s back to snow.
  3. Approaching an inch here and snowing moderately in Brewerton. Conditions are bad enough in Chicago that a plane skidded off the runway at ORD this morning. By the way I thought the usage of “death band” was prohibited on this board?
  4. Anybody watching the Panthers/Green Bay game? They’re getting the beginnings of our storm. The ground is beginning to get covered there.
  5. I’m having chest pains just looking at that picture.
  6. November 9,1995 I closed on my house. I drove up the thruway in a snowstorm from Canastota west. KSYR got 7.9 inches that day. November 1995 is the snowiest November at Syracuse with 34.2 inches.
  7. It’s been an interesting afternoon here weather wise. First Syracuse broke 80 degrees for the first time in over 200 days. Then thunderstorms fired up to the west and moved through Onondaga County. Each one produced heavy rain and the last one spawned a tornado warning. I haven’t seen any confirmation that any damage occurred yet. It looks like things are winding down now but it was pretty wild for a while. Edit: It was 256 days since the last 80 degree temperature in Syracuse or 8 1/2 months.
  8. Conditions were absolutely perfect just south of Bowling Green. Just a few thin cirrus that did absolutely nothing to impede viewing. That was the fastest 1 minute 50 seconds in my life. What an amazing sight with a black disk where the sun should be surrounded by the wispy filaments of the corona. Off to the right Venus shone brightly in the middle of the day! A flock of birds swooped overhead as if heading for their nightly roost. I can't wait until 2024 when totality will pass right over my house.
  9. My wife and I are flying from Syracuse to Louisville tomorrow then driving to Bowling Green where I've had a hotel room reserved since last September. My plan for eclipse day is to drive the 20 miles south to Franklin, KY where totality lasts 2 minutes 25 sec. Worst case scenario if traffic is a nightmare is to stay at the hotel where totality is 1:15. If I can make it just 9 miles south it increases to 1:45.
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