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Everything posted by CNY_WX

  1. It just confirms what we already knew. Where would we have been if we didn’t have a few nighttime lows in the single numbers?
  2. Same here although with the lack of any replenishment there are thin spots starting to show.
  3. And at least it’s something to watch with some potential.
  4. Was going to get the 928 but the guy sold me on a 1028. I traded in a 1994 Cub Cadet that he called a rust bucket. I saw a review of the 928 on YouTube where the guy chewed right through a 22 inch snowfall and was throwing it 50 feet on his neighbor’s shed.
  5. I’m not sure how they get from the maps above which basically cover the first half of the month to this outlook for the entire month. We would need to have a much below normal second half of the month.
  6. PaulyFromPlattsburgh should be happy with that snowfall map. I just bought a nice sized Toro snowblower so that means winter is over. I would love to give it a workout in 12+ inches.
  7. Iguanas are an invasive species in Florida. People who bought iguanas as pets then decided they didn’t want them have released them in the wild and they have proliferated. It’s similar to the boa constrictors that are overrunning the Everglades as an invasive species.
  8. I saw that last week and sent a heads up (pun intended) to my sister who’s spending the month in Punta Gorda.
  9. I know it’s before most of your times but this brings back memories of Thurman Munson being killed in a plane crash.
  10. Not only is the scenery spectacular, Champy did an amazing job capturing it!
  11. Did any of you see the Southern Cross on your trips to New Zealand? I’ve been an astronomy buff since I was a kid and seeing the southern constellations is almost a bucket list item for me.
  12. CNY can get some significant synoptic systems. Most depend on favorable upper air support most notably a negatively tilted H500 trof. I remember this storm in early January 1994. A band of extremely heavy snow came off the Atlantic transported northwest by a negatively tilted trough. It reached Syracuse around noon and deposited 9.5 inches of snow in 2 hours. Employers thought they were doing the right thing by dismissing employees during the height of the storm which resulted in people getting stuck on the interstates for hours. Changes were made in early dismissal procedures after that storm. There have been many other instance of Syracuse being hit hard by synoptic systems (Superstorm of 93, VD 2007, post Christmas storm 1997 for example). It seems that recently they have been harder to come by (although we did get 2 feet in mid March 2017). https://www.syracuse.com/vintage/2016/01/readers_remember_the_blizzard.html
  13. I don’t know if there’s road temperature information but NY 511 has other road condition information along with cameras.
  14. It takes almost 24 hours for all this energy and low centers to consolidate into a 974 low just off shore of Boston.
  15. Got a mixture of rain and sleet here. The temperature was 34 when I got up but has now fallen to 33.
  16. They need a tutorial on slant stick measuring, lol!
  17. Interesting article on the Severe Weather Europe page on the weakening of the polar vortex and it’s implication in a change in tropospheric weather patterns as we go into February. https://www.severe-weather.eu/global-weather/stratosphere-february-double-warming-fa/?fbclid=IwAR3ijCqVo6tVEThaNOm3t5NQd5zyB_ypKdm1FsIv4mRN8nTld-SDtKzZX8s
  18. Boundary layer temperatures in the mid 30s into Saturday night is what will keep us rain. Temperatures aloft are below freezing which leads me to believe elevations above 1000-1500 ft. will flip to snow fairly early Saturday evening and end up with 6+ inches.
  19. I’ve mowed my lawn just before Memorial Day with grauple falling.
  20. My heaviest lake effect this year was last Sunday morning when we had about 2 hours of lake effect that produced about 3 inches of snow as that band moved south You just know that this pattern is going to flip in late February and give us a crappy spring. We’ve had some of our biggest snowstorms in mid March lately.
  21. I just snuck a peak at the NE board and someone made the comment that this will be good for the hinterlands. Hopefully we are the hinterlands!
  22. Is that because the primary holds on longer on the Ukmet? If so then it will be a warmer solution and most of that precipitation will be liquid.
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