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Everything posted by CNY_WX

  1. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/walmart-says-all-shoppers-must-wear-mask-starting-monday-n1233893
  2. The sun is getting lower in the sky every day above the arctic circle but a place like Barrow, AK still has 24 hours of sunlight. By August 1 the sun finally dips below the horizon for a half an hour. The lengthening of night is amazing, by the end of August, Barrow has 4 hours of the sun below the horizon. On September 24 day and night are equal and the buildup of cold air should be starting.
  3. I couldn’t believe how much rain was in my gauge this morning. I measured 4.07 inches which together with the 0.60 I measured yesterday morning gives me almost 5 inches over the last 36 hours.
  4. The I81 corridor is going to be close to the western edge of the precipitation field associated with TS Fay tonight. I hope we can get some decent rain (0.5-1.0 inch) out of this as lawns have turned a crispy brown this week.
  5. Comets are actually dirty snowballs comprised of rocky material held together by frozen gases. As a comet approaches the sun and warms the frozen gases begin to sublimate and give a comet’s coma it’s fuzzy appearance. As they get even closer the amount of gases increases and a tail forms and gets blown off the coma by the solar wind. As they approach perihelion many get destroyed by solar warmth and gravitational pull. That happened this year with Comet Atlas and Comet Swan. Most comets originate in the Oort belt which is outside the orbit of Pluto. Once they make their initial trip to the inner solar system, if they survive, they go into elongated long period orbits. The remains of destroyed comets are the source of several meteor showers.
  6. That’s not bad considering your Rube Goldberg setup, lol!
  7. What time did you take these pictures? I went out around 4:30 and couldn’t find the comet but it may have already been too bright. I assume that is Venus to the right, which I saw. Venus is right in the middle of the Hyades, an open cluster of stars in Taurus. The Pleiades are right above it.
  8. Syracuse has hit 100 I believe 3 times.
  9. The low was 61 at my house. It’s already pushing 80 just before 10.
  10. According to the daily climate report Buffalo hit 90 at 2:18 this afternoon.
  11. I was in the same thunderstorm Monday night that you were in. I ended up with 0.70”, 0.68” fell in about 45 minutes between 7:30 and 8:15. There was one lightning strike close by that produced a thunder clap so loud it sent our new dog running. We couldn’t find her in the house for 15 minutes. Finally we removed some framing on our bed and she was under it. Last night’s showers only produced 0.15”. We’ve gotten enough rain in the last several days that things aren’t completely dry. Big change in airmass today, the lower humidity makes it almost seem cold especially with the breeze.
  12. It’s 55 here at 11 AM on June 13. This low stratiform cloud deck is blocking the sun making it feel even colder.
  13. It turned out to be a beautiful evening here in central New York. The sky has cleared and temperatures are in the mid 70s.
  14. May was definitely a month of temperature extremes and averaged out to be 0.8 degree below normal at Syracuse.
  15. Another quarter of an inch since 7:15. Sun’s breaking through now.
  16. It came down in buckets between 6:30 and 7:00 AM. I measured 0.84 inch at 7:15. It’s still raining although lighter than before.
  17. I think Cuomo said it’s too early to make a decision on the fair.
  18. Cuomo just opened horse race tracks, without fans, and Watkins Glen Speedway, without fans, for the summer.
  19. The Onondaga County executive said we’re ready to open.
  20. The point is that the more people carrying the virus the greater the chance it can find it’s way to the vulnerable population. Which brings me to your second point. It’s fallacious to compare the chance of dying in a car accident or a shooting to dying from Covid-19. Dying in a car accident is a random singular act. It happens and it’s over. No one else in a car behind you is going to die. If you walk around with the carona virus and you will infect at least one or two other people who in turn will infect one or two others until it spreads through the population eventually finding a vulnerable individual. If we can stop that by preventing the first individual from being infected we can save lives.
  21. I would like to know at what age does the value of life start to decline? You contradict yourself, first you say if they’re over 70 they’re going to die anyways then you say your 86 year old grandmother means the world to you and you’re doing everything you can to protect her. So I guess if you don’t know someone their life if disposable so you can resume your normal lifestyle? Remember, people over 70 are someone’s grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister or brother and mean the same to those people as your grandmother means to you. I know you’re young and feel bulletproof and chomping at the bit to resume the activities you enjoy. But we can’t just drop all of the mitigation measures that have at least kept this virus manageable without expecting a jump in infections, hospitalizations and deaths. And just a reminder, there are people in your demographic that have gotten seriously ill from Covid-19.
  22. Assuming it takes an infection rate of 60% to achieve herd immunity nearly 200 million Americans would have to be infected. With a mortality rate of even 0.5% close to a million people would die. That’s a scary thought.
  23. Why are you jumping to conclusions and calling Gov. Cuomo a bust and claim that he is lying? If you did some research you would find that the NYS death figures do not include probable Covid-19 deaths which are included in the Worldometer figures. It almost seems like you are taking these statistics personally.
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