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Everything posted by CNY_WX

  1. I’ve been watching reports out of Nashville - Nashville, TN and they have 8 inches of snow on the ground. It’s so frustrating!
  2. Same thing here. When I got up a couple of hours ago I checked the radar and felt good above the band setting up. Now the trajectory looks good for me over the lake but the main part of it is curving to the south. It’s been snowing steadily but lightly with small flakes. Not going to end up with much at this rate.
  3. It looks like the band is moving north of the airport. If it falls off the north shore of the lake will that weaken it? That’s usually the case when a band falls off the south shore of Lake Ontario.
  4. Snow increased 2 inches in the last hour at KBUF. Now 12 inches otg.
  5. You get nothing and you’ll like it! I think that was posted before but it’s true for us.
  6. After this morning’s runs I’m resigned to this storm being toast for us. It’s on to the rain this weekend.
  7. Models are jumping all over the place with the placement of the low. Until there’s some consistency from run to run within a model and between models we don’t know the ultimate outcome in sensible weather. This morning’s GFS run will be interesting. Is there another NW jog in the cards?
  8. Just when the GFS gets your hopes up the Euro says not in my house. Where did that jump to off the coast between hours 72 and 78 come from?
  9. I thought you’d like that. It does have a pretty potent lake event after the frontal passage.
  10. And when we get arctic air the air is so dry there’s no clouds in the skies.
  11. Another half inch yesterday. Brings me up to 19 inches for the season.
  12. Heavy snow from Lynchburg to Washington DC to Atlantic City. 1 to 2 inches an hour. Richmond reports a mixture of sleet and snow. All these cities were in the mid 60s yesterday.
  13. I’ve watched Syracuse University football in the Carrier Dome for the last 40 years. In September it can be a sauna in there although that’s because until last year there was no air conditioning. Later in the year it is great for fans to be able to watch games in shirt sleeves when it’s freezing outside. It’s always a perfect environment for the players with no wind or rain or snow. In fact, without having to worry about drainage the field is flat, no crown. But for the Bills, aren’t the elements part of the character of the team? The other thing to factor in is the increased cost of building a domed stadium versus an open air stadium? I’m not sure where the funding for a new stadium in Buffalo is coming from but that extra cost could be a deal breaker.
  14. The temperature keeps dropping. Down to 21 here, it was 27 when I got up at 8. Still snowing lightly but steadily.
  15. When I woke up about 7:30 there was a light coating of snow and ice on the rooftops, nothing on the ground. It’s been snowing lightly but steadily for the last half hour and my driveway is now covered. It’s sad when we’re happy to see the ground covered with snow.
  16. Fulton back to UP and I’ve dropped to 33. Hang in there, we’ll flip eventually. I was never expecting a lot of snow from this so if I see an inch or two I’ll be happy.
  17. Looking at the Buffalo radar it looks like most of western NY is snowing and this is moving eastward. I just dropped a couple degrees to 34 and Fulton is now reporting ZR at 32 after a period of IP which tells me there right on the edge of flipping. I expect to see snow in the air when I get up in the morning.
  18. The report from the Rochester airport at 0430Z is visibility 2 SM in light snow. The temperature has fallen to freezing.
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