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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)

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  1. I-74 from Indy to the IL state line is a parking lot.
  2. Wanting to see some cloud cover and other weather for the April 8 eclipse that affects sub forum.
  3. LSX radar down for maintenance with two tor warned cells in the metro.
  4. I was in Peoria about 1.5 hours ago and drove out to Farmington. In town is was white rain and even on 474 around to the jail. Once I got between jail and Hanna City is was ripping snow and road was pretty bad by 8:20. It took me just under an hour to get from Binny’s to Farmington.
  5. Didn’t get a chance to post this yesterday morning but this was an impressive shelf cloud with 50-70mph wind and 1.5” rain in about half an hour west of Peoria. I’m near Farmington.
  6. If you were in that spot today it would be blocked by a Dollar General.
  7. I just drove from Peoria to Dubuque and back and QCA was defiantly the worst.
  8. Just west of Peoria and got enough rain to wet the sidewalk. I’m going to have to haul a bunch of water from the neighbor’s pond to get pumpkins to germinate and hope for some substantial enough rain to get some pumpkins for fall. Have 2 acres of them planted.
  9. I have an acre of 4 varieties of old open pollinated corn planted in the same field as a modern hybrid. Herbicide program is different. The modern corn got a pre-emerge spray with Dual Magnum+Atrazine+Callisto. The open pollinated heirloom corn didn’t get a pre-emerge spray but got Atrazine+Impact post plus one pass with cultivator and I’m going to do a clean up for waterhemp with Callisto. I’ll go out tomorrow with tape measure and confirmation on planting dates but it’s very hard to tell the difference at this point visually. The modern hybrid got planted at 34k population and the heirloom OP corn got planted at 24k population. This is going to be a good test year for this little plot.
  10. I've had the air conditioning on for a total of maybe 48 hours this summer because of the low dewpoints and nocturnal cooling if we're looking for a silver lining.
  11. I started planting sweetcorn on Tuesday this week west of Peoria. It’s weeks too early by the calendar but the 10 day outlook looks favorable. Plenty of soil moisture, planting conditions were marginal at best but being the first guy with local sweetcorn for sale is money in the bank.
  12. That storm is going through BFE in the spoon river basin soon. It’s had navigating through there. I’m in the line of that storm in Farmington.
  13. If anyone wants a co-pilot to chase tomorrow I’d love to ride along. I live just southeast of Galesburg and can meet up wherever. I feel like I’m pretty confident with navigating and understanding where we need to be in relation to a storm and storm tracks. PM me if you’re interested.
  14. Agree 100%. I enjoy the LOT AFD and learn quite a lot.
  15. I was thinking that they’d have to start that fustercluck all over again.
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