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Everything posted by magoos0728

  1. 100% this. Not only are warnings and public messages instantly sent its also message boards like this that are quickly spread and taken out of context. Still thinking a watch will be maintained only because of high winds/open areas and holiday travel.
  2. They'll keep it in place simply for "holiday travel" Yeah...that's the ticket!
  3. Lovin' the December lightning in the NW Burbs
  4. Greatest post. All time. Wrap it up everyone.
  5. I'm not sure what we've seen here in A.Heights but it's impressive vs what I expected. The headline is definitely a head scratcher-especially considering the timing of this mess on the morning commute. Not that it would have changed anything but I think extending the Winter Storm Warning area would have been a smart move for lot
  6. After 5 winters in the Southeast I'm going to be thrilled with anything... especially with the slow start to the season.
  7. Am hopeful for this to continue... would love to see it in Arlington
  8. LOT giving us 2-4. After 5 winters in ATL I'll take it.
  9. As a UGA fan I have little room to speak of championship games....always watching to see how things pan out here in Cobb County. After spending 34 years along the lake in Chicago, winter is slightly different these days. Our oldest would love to make a few bucks shoveling/breaking up ice along the driveways and sidewalks of the neighborhood.
  10. Kenosha Kickers are headed down to Cobb for Christmas this year. I'll ask them to bring some cold and all the proper ingredients...
  11. It's incredible how bad of a handle local Mets have on winter weather around here. Time to look forward to spring. Having lived in the Chicago area for 30+ years I can honestly say that you really don't want a Midwest winter. It's a never ending struggle. It's either cold and dry, cool but not cold enough or it's extremely cold and snowy. It's awful. There's nothing fun about a late April snow and upper 40's with a breeze off Lake Michigan for Father's Day.
  12. Had snowflakes for a few moments in Acworth, GA. Thankfully it stopped... didn't restock my bread and beer supply.
  13. Agreed. I can only remember once following with high confidence a storm beyond 5 days. That was the Groundhog Day blizzard while I was in SE Wisconsin. Tom Skilling mentioned it, I looked into it by stumbling across this site. So began my dark decent into these weather boards....
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