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About magoos0728

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    NW Burbs

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  1. I'm truly sorry for what you and NOAA is going through. What that'll mean moving forward is catastrophic, and the administration could care less. We will all be less prepared for the disasters we face and of course in the aftermath we now know we're on our own. Unfortunately, the GOP reps and senators are afraid of the MAGA crowds they have lied to for years, the same people they used for votes are threatening them. Even if they had a shred of decency, they're cornered by extremists. So sadly I see this playing out until at least midterms.
  2. Just a reminder not to get too invested this season until flakes are falling. Just another fail in a season that has just been a dud. With regards to the schools, I think the timing of the storm and after school pick-up was what drove that decision. From driving through the North Side into Niles, the roads are atrocious right now, I can only imagine how many more accidents we'd see with bus stops and after school pick-ups ongoing. Plus they work a day or two into the school year for these things..even if it ends up being a turd duster
  3. I was joking, really I was...
  4. Very cool. Now go warm up at Wells Brothers
  5. I don't mind the cold, yeah the dry sucks but it's time for cold. Nothing worse than my Xmas' spent in Cobb County, dreary and 50-70. One Xmas Eve it was top down on the Jeep and 73. Hard to feel in the holidays mood with that. If COVID wasn't bad enough, '20 was raining heavily and in the low 40s...added to the depression. I'll take CAD all day if must
  6. Coming down for some R&R at the end of the month. Hopefully we’ll see an 80…
  7. Tornado sirens in the distance here in Edgebrook near Niles border WTH!!!
  8. More hail in Arlington Heights. What the hail.
  9. I've never seen this much hail over such a long period of time. At least twenty minutes now with what I would call "pea sized hail showers." Had golfballs living in Northwest Cobb County Georgia but never anything like this.
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