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Everything posted by HailMan06

  1. If you think Florida’s insurance crisis is bad now just wait for what happens after a major hurricane hits a major population center.
  2. Yup one more Andrew but shifted 25-40 miles north and it’s lights out for Florida’s economy.
  3. It’ll be cool looking at this map later with the eclipse.
  4. It first felt like an explosion but was going on for too long to be one. Last real earthquake I experienced was when I was in Virginia Beach in 2011. But I’ve felt two much smaller ones more recently when I was visiting in-laws in Ecuador.
  5. I was in Bernardsville at the supermarket here when it happened. Everything was shaking and rumbling and people were rushing outside. It was crazy. I guess I felt it stronger than others since the epicenter was less than 10 miles from me.
  6. I’m probably going to Ecuador this August so likely looking at dry conditions over there when I go.
  7. Yeah it’s going to be another bad Canadian wildfire season.
  8. Sure anything is possible, but relying on a HECS as a Hail Mary to bring us up to normal kinda reeks of desperation.
  9. It’s cold but for a cold snap at the climatologically coldest week of the year it’s pretty meh.
  10. Those are like +5 anomalies averaged over the week. Idk if you’d call it a torch but it’s certainly warm climate-wise.
  11. Yeah I’ve been seeing a lot of Crape Myrtle popping up around my area in Somerset County, NJ.
  12. Forky will never pass up an opportunity to troll the snow weenies but he’s honestly pretty fair. If he sees something coming up that’s favorable for winter he’ll post about it.
  13. The USDA released their new plant hardiness zone map and almost everyone moved up a whole zone. https://www.axios.com/2023/11/17/2023-plant-hardiness-map https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/pages/map-downloads
  14. I thought that’s pretty typical having an anticyclonic flow above TC’s, especially well developed ones.
  15. Looks a bit annular to me. Beautiful.
  16. If anything this screams record high global temps. The southern US would be an island of BN temps in a sea of warmth.
  17. Maybe around 35C wet bulb temperature?
  18. Look at all the activity down over the Delaware Bay and se PA. That all has pass through here still.
  19. Radar presentation resembles a lot like Ida to me.
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