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About HailMan06

  • Birthday 04/30/1993

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Bernardsville, NJ
  • Interests
    Weather Watching and analyzing!

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  1. Which would theoretically mean that we will reach equilibrium at ~2.5C above the preindustrial level even if we stopped emitting all GHG’s today. Also assuming no carbon sequestration or geo engineering.
  2. With the exception of @SnoSki14 and @nycsnow I’m surprised that no one else is posting about the wind potential tomorrow into Monday. That’s what I’m more interested in with this storm.
  3. I guess the water restrictions will come along within that time frame.
  4. Wow basically 10% of the entire atmosphere in the eye is not present.
  5. Cool land breeze boundary just off the coast of the Delmarva.
  6. This would be a deadly blow for Florida’s insurance market.
  7. This could be a a near fatal blow for the Fl insurance market if the GFS is anywhere near correct.
  8. This Chesco bs is getting really tiring now. Why do you guys keep engaging with a brick wall?
  9. Not necessarily then but it doesn’t bode well for later in the month and September. We’ll see.
  10. RIP Florida real estate market.
  11. Very impressive to have the freezing level almost up to 550 mb.
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