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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. NWS updated their powerpoint: https://www.weather.gov/media/phi/current_briefing.pdf
  2. HOLY CRAP. I tried to change my email address in my profile from my old .edu to my current gmail and it wouldn't let me log in again. JUST now got my access back. Soo... what'd I miss?
  3. My parents down in Oxford have 2.5". We're sitting at 1.4 and my sump is cycling. I swear that thing used to be bone dry during events like this prior to our record 11" in three days last July. I bet the hydrology of the groundwater flow was significantly altered.
  4. Starting to get gusty here, and we're up to .44". For the third time today I'm hearing a ton of sirens on the highway close to my house. First responders must be having one heck of a day today. Stay safe out there, everyone!
  5. Mostly rain now, 33.2°F and sirens still sounding off periodically. Plow just came through, looked like they were plowing slush.
  6. Our roads have completely caved. We had a plow come through a couple of hours ago, and the road is already covered again. Been hearing multiple sirens throughout the afternoon, sadly as predicted. Hope everyone's ok out there.
  7. Snowing here again. Real pretty out. Up to 32°F though.
  8. Very fine sleet now, temp creeping up to 30.9.
  9. This one isn't nearly as good as it used to be, but it shows the line very well: https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap Snow is thinning out here. Looks to be about an inch of pretty wet snow so far. Temp holding at 30.5°F.
  10. Coming in ~2°F lower than what was forecasted at the moment:
  11. Went from giant, lazy flakes to powder for a little bit and is now back to medium-sized flakes. It's sticking to grass, mulch and pavement. Looks real pretty!
  12. It just started here. Big, fat flakes lazily falling.
  13. This: does not match this: It's always interesting trying to sus out what models various weather services are using. Clearly these are divergent.
  14. Here's a good sign: we are only forecasted to get down to 26°F tonight. I'm currently sitting at 22. The forecast went from snow-->rain back to snow-->rain-->snow, so it would appear that the back-end thump might actually occur. I have not once even so much as looked at my brand new, fancy-pants electric snowblower that I bought back in November '22. I refuse. It's actually become buried in the garage behind a ton of other crap. And there it shall remain, unless...
  15. This was always a long shot. But I will happily take the rain at least. Still plenty of time left in the season for frozen precip. White Christmas, anyone? Maybe? Eh? Still have yet to properly employ my fancy-pants new electric snowblower that I bought last November.
  16. Reporting from Reading: Down from a high of 57 earlier today. More stats on the cold front coming through:
  17. Got almost up to 90 today at my house. Do not want. Summer can kindly f off.
  18. So ready for this. Tomorrow we're making a crap ton of beef stew with the intent to preserve ~8 quarts or so for the coming months. Our house is going to smell ridiculous and I'm here for it. What better way to spend a cool, rainy fall day. Cheers you guys~
  19. This has been a ridiculously great stretch of weather to find one's self working outside. I've been slinging a 3" hand auger for geologic sampling for the past three days, and I'm so happy the work was delayed until this week (we were originally slated to do this a month ago!!!) We hit 48.9°F this morning. I needed a sweatshirt for the first few hours yesterday with the wind, but today was just glorious. Going to attempt a drone flight tomorrow at work, I'm hoping the wind stays calm. Anything above 15mph sustained and gusts above 20mph grounds us, so here's hoping. I see highs in the 60's in the forecast, finally! Saturday looks to be a properly fall-like day, and how appropriate. I think I will choose to celebrate with a home-made beef stew. Missed you, fall.
  20. Aww, that's a bummer. I really need to do what you did and find a way to extract the data locally. Thanks, Agnes!
  21. So I'm looking to upgrade my weather station in the near future. Does anybody here know if you can keep your existing station name (and thus be able to maintain contiguous data collection)? I have almost 3 years of saved data and I'd hate to lose access to it. Really enjoyed last night's "sweatshirt weather". Our low was 50.3°F.
  22. Up late, can't sleep. This is very nice, haven't seen it this low since June:
  23. The ~3.5" of rain we got over the last few days has set my basement sump pump into overdrive. I think the 11" rain event a couple of months ago altered the groundwater flow patterns, since before that, the sump well was always dry after previous significant rainfalls. Has me somewhat worried, if I'm honest. I really need to source a battery backup for that pump.
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