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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. I'm just north of Reading proper. Looks like a couple of inches here so far.
  2. That's aimed right at me. Nice. Temp down to 32.5 and continuing to fall. Light snow and the streets are wet.
  3. Clouds just started moving in. Down to 40° after hitting a high of 44 about an hour and half ago.
  4. You guys sure are in a mood today, eh? It's all good, I'm here for it. Let's go for snow-on-snow!
  5. Got down to a downright frosty 17°F last night. I didn't think we were predicted to get that low this week.
  6. Snow has stopped, and now huge "chunks" of snow are falling periodically from the trees.
  7. A friend in Phoenixville is reporting the same.
  8. Closing in on 8". Bigger flakes mixing in. Temp is up a degree to 32.1 from a couple of hours ago.
  9. Measured a full 7" on the back deck. Left the yardstick standing up, this stuff is thicc
  10. My goodness! 4" easily on the deck and just chucking it down. Trees are all heavily coated.
  11. Unless snowing while it's 41°F is a new thing, no, it's not snowing in KoP atm.
  12. 41.9 and DP 38.6 here now. Light drizzle. Really hoping for something awesome, but not holding my breath.
  13. LOL what even is this and who is behind it??? I might have to configure a dedicated RasPi that just shows this. It's wonderful, thank you!
  14. Feels pretty warm out. Looking forward to waking up to a whiteout though, lol.
  15. Still 46°F here in Reading. Seeing some blobs here and there on the radar though.
  16. Already told the boss I wouldn't be in tomorrow. He had no idea there was even a storm coming! Most of my coworkers live in Chester/Del counties, soo... I bet there'll be a mad rush for bread and milk after the evening news. It's been a while for many folks. Time to crack open an adult beverage and let the tracking commence!
  17. Trying postimages.org. NAM 12Z moved the event start. 6Z: 12Z:
  18. That's the way I used to do it, but I quickly maxed out the amount of data. I had been screenshotting, then pasting into imgur, then grabbing the link and pasting that in here, but that no longer seems to work. Slightly more on topic--my boss expects me to be at a meeting on site in southern NJ tomorrow. Uhh...
  19. Hmm... Can't copy/paste into and from imgur anymore. What are you all using to post images?
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