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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. RH shot up relatively fast in the past few hours IMBY. Went from 75°F/60% about two hours ago to 70°F/78% just now.
  2. More fake storms incoming. Watching the line weaken and split near Coatesville again. We did get a little bit from last night though.
  3. Pretty sweet looking system cranking through West Virginia right now. Looks pretty tightly wound, too. Could get interesting when the line sweeps through after a full day of summertime heat.
  4. Ugh, when is this pattern gonna break. Another night of near-miss blob storms. It's like they all evaporate as soon as they get near Rt. 30. I wonder if our extremely localized heat island has something to do with it.
  5. Another blob of a storm just to my NW, just like yesterday, nearly stationary.
  6. Got a decent sized pop-up hovering in place just to my north. I'm hoping it comes down here so I don't have to go outside and water the garden.
  7. What a weird system on radar. It's like it's moving NE and SE at the same time.
  8. Drove through some of that on the 30 going west about a half hour ago. There was some pea-sized hail mixed in and it was raining so hard I almost had to pull over since my wipers couldn't clear it fast enough. Lots of other ppl did pull over and I managed to get off at the business 30 exit (Downingtown) where it stopped raining almost instantly. Went from driving in a washing machine to sunny and hot in less than 1/8th of a mile. Crazy.
  9. Absolutely pouring near Coatesville right now.
  10. We hit just over 91 briefly about an hour ago but now back down to 89.8. Just for grins, it's 88°F with 63% humidity in Miami right now. Yeesh.
  11. 83°F/76°F = 81%RH for me. Partly cloudy. Could be worse, but still, yuck.
  12. This is how it looked right before I sat down to dinner, about an hour ago.
  13. Well dang. It broke up right over me. Still getting impressive lighting occasionally.
  14. Also not seeing any obvious signs of rotation but could be one heck of a gust front incoming. Can anyone else tell me if that's what I'm seeing on the relative velocity plot?
  15. Ooph. Nothing like driving on the turnpike in a downpour--I used to have to drive 76 a lot for a previous job and got caught in more than a few. Hope you get home safe.
  16. Lots of lightning with this one... Seems to be headed NE or ENE
  17. 85.6°F and 56% RH. Humidity appears to be on the rise. I wonder if any of that rain out west will make it over here.
  18. Geez Louise! https://www.nj.com/news/2019/07/car-flipped-air-conditioners-blown-from-roofs-after-possible-tornado-severe-weather.html
  19. I spent the afternoon at my parents' near Oxford, and we got significant rain from about 4-6pm. The storms over Chester County seemed more or less stationary and were torrential. Afterwards it cooled to around 70°F but with near to 100% humidity; I set of a few fireworks early since my brother and sister-in-law had to leave early and I was completely drenched from the mere effort of walking back and forth across the lawn for ten minutes. I don't want to seem alarmist, but I'm struggling to recall the last time it rained without thunder, lightening and flooding. It just doesn't seem to rain gently around here anymore... That all said, it looks like another disgusting day outside with 79°F and 93% humidity as measured by my little remote station. Ugh.
  20. Small but powerful storm just blew through. Completely different from the last time, where there was literally continuous rumbling thunder throughout the event; this time there was a whole lot of flickering and very little thunder... until the storm passed by. Now my apartment is shaking from the thunder every minute or so. Torrential rain once again overwhelmed the gutters. Cooled right off though, which is nice. 70.5°F and 89% RH.
  21. Judging by what's happening over Wisconsin today, I'm inclined to agree with you.
  22. Had near constant thunder preceding the line that just came through. Then it poured enough to completely overwhelm the gutters (again!). I think we even had a brief moment of pea-sized hail towards the end as well. Was reading 89.3° right before I went out to check on things; now it's down to 69.4° F. Holy temperature gradient, batman!
  23. Got some unexpected training storms just now; has been steadily raining for at least a half hour with individual cells forming over me and then trailing off the the northeast. Even saw and heard a few flickers and rumbles of lightening and thunder. Overall, lovely stuff to fall asleep to, if only I should be so lucky. Oh well. It's 69°F with gently falling rain, feels a bit like the kind of distantly stormy summers of my youth growing up near here. I'd love if the entire summer was like this.
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